804 articles related to "kids and teens"

How to Deal with a College Roommate Who's Being Difficult

For many people, one of the realities that has to be dealt with when going to college is moving out of the house and into a college dorm or apartment. Sure, some may find it quite exciting that they get to be away from their parents and experience co...

Kids And Teens  kids teens roommate find
Is The World of Fiction Good for Kids...

Fiction- Good or Bad for Children? Ghosts, vampires, demons, wizards...all items you could easily find in a fictional story. Or all items that some parents may feel would give their child nightmares. Is fiction something we should keep away from our ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens fiction read which
SMS Daycare

SMS Daycare by: Robert Lett Using the Physical World as a Game Board. This is not Kinky Day Care! SMS stands for Short Message Service. If your children carry cell phones, or if you have an extra family phone you can let them borrow for the da...

Kids And Teens  kids teens location group they
Kids Fun By The Size - Why Bigger Is Not Always Better!

Where to Find Fun It's not hard to find kids fun. It's big, and even gigantic. And, it is everywhere. You'll find it bobbing, looking goofy, ready to bounce or explode or fizzle like a "pfghzzzz" into the sky, or squish with the mushi...

Kids And Teens  kids teens head heads ball itaposs
Managing The Stresses Of Peer Pressure

Dealing with peer pressure can very stressful. It can be very difficult not to give in to your friends and other people in doing something you do not want to do. As a result, here are some suggestions on how to manage the stresses and anxieties of de...

Kids And Teens  kids teens people friends right
Dont Get Mad - Write It Down

"Have you just had an arguement with a friend, mum, dad, brother, sister? Got a bad report from school? or just feeling down in the dumps?" If you are feeling any of the above then this article can help you :D Whenever someone has upset me or im le...

Kids And Teens  kids teens letter feeling someone
Activity + Poor Food Choices = Non Healthy Lifestyle

One of the biggest misconceptions people have today is what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Just because you exercise does not mean you are healthy. I hear much too often, oh, I can eat this because then I will work 30 or 40 minutes on the treadmill...

Kids And Teens  kids teens healthy exercise hand think because
Would Chopin Have Passed A Music Quiz?

Q. My children are very interested in playing music. Is there such a thing as a music quiz for kids? A. Sure there's such a thing as a music quiz, and you can find one right inside of your head. Just reach up there, pull it out, and put it down...

Kids And Teens  kids teens music quiz technical
Watch Your Language!

I have a big mouth. If you have read my testimony, you know that I have struggled with panic attacks and an anxiety disorder that most of the time left my tongue paralyzed when it came to simple things, such as ordering a meal or answering the phone....

Kids And Teens  kids teens words solitude imprisoned problemnow
A Child Can Make a Difference

Sometimes dreams really can come true! May 8th - 11th, 2000, my daughter and I traveled to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, because of a dream my daughter, Amanda, has to make a difference in this world. Amanda (then a 6th grader) entered McDonald&a...

Kids And Teens  kids teens children from