6,217 articles related to "marketing"

High Response Marketing With Low-Cost Postcards

High Response Marketing With Low-Cost Postcards Copyright 2003 Bob Leduc http://BobLeduc.com Postcards can drive a huge amount of traffic to your web site, generate a flood of new sales leads or produce a surge in any business activity you want. And ...

Marketing  marketing postcards inches postcard sales
Do Not Call List...Death Knell For Leads Programs

I'd pay close attention to this for awhile. There are implications for leads programs especially. In about 6-10 months or so your company is going to have to subscribe to the FTC "Do Not Call" (DNC) list of people that do not want calls. Even if...

Marketing  marketing leads companies those
A Simple Guide To Search Engines

Search engines are the most widely used means of finding information on the Internet for it's so easy to find informationon any imaginable topic. Search engine marketing is a highly effective method of driving hordes of targeted visitors to your...

Marketing  marketing search engine engines optimization
Are You A Pelican Marketer

Watching the pelicans catch fish near my housereminded me of how some online marketersbehave. These pelicans fly high over the waterwhere the unknowing fish don't notice them.The pelicans spot a big fish and dive athigh speed into the water. A f...

Marketing  marketing pelican fish customers pelicans water needs
The Power of Word of Mouth

Most of us remember the commercial that said, “I told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and…”, well you get the picture. This commercial, which represented Breck Hair Shampoo, ran so many times that even I remember w...

Marketing  marketing service mouth word
There's Money In Your Site Stats

Are you missing out on important sales because you are notpaying attention to your site statistics? There's a wealth ofinformation here that can boost your sales.Some years ago, I had a conversation with a friend who haddeveloped a very successf...

Marketing  marketing prospects send days time

Marketing types are fond of classifying people intocategories. Here are four which I took from "Differentiate OrDie," by Jack Trout with Steve Rivkin. (John Wiley & Sons, NewYork, 2000, p15.) Only the first few words of each are includedhere.> Intuit...

Marketing  marketing details type will
Marketing Your Website OFF the Web!

You've built your website. You've submitted to the search engines. You've optimized your meta tags. You've exchanged links with other sites. You have a newsletter that you email out weekly. You've advertised in other ezines. ...

Marketing  marketing youaposve service store website
Hot to make exceptional income on the internet!

Ordinary people are making extraordinary income working from homeon the internet. There are many ways to make money on the internetbut the great majority of people struggle and fail trying to do it on theirown.I want to make you aware of an opportuni...

Marketing  marketing autoresponder income people website
Doing What's Required To Succeed

This is an area in which I believe most people miss theiropportunity for achieving success.Your first requirement should be in identifying your passion.There a saying which goes: "the gifts and callings make room forthemself". The same is true with y...

Marketing  marketing passion golf they