1,369 articles related to "parenting"

Fostering Courage, Strength and Compassion in Adolescent Girls: The First Step

As a parent and educator, I continually search for ways to reach, nurture and empower girls so that they may value their caring nature and keep the strength of their child spirit. The task is challenging because adolescent girls not only face the age...

Parenting  parenting girls women role must
Parent(s) Who Have Children With Autism Can Become Positive How?

Most children with autism, have a behavior problem, that can have a negative effect on you as parent(s). It is a difficult task to try to become a positive parent(s) when the frustration of your child with autism continues his or her behavior that is...

Parenting  parenting child parents positive autism
Discover How To Select The Optimal Infant Stroller

Any dad will tell you that the toddler stroller is their bridge to the rest of the world. Missing a toddler stroller, most families would be stuck at home, unable to bring the whole family outside and about. Some moms also find out that a walk outsid...

Parenting  parenting stroller toddler strollers child
5 Steps to Raising an Optimistic Child

5 Steps to Raising an Optimistic Child by: Dr. Tony FioreI had just completed a session with 17-year old Julie who suffered from severe depression. Julie believed she was a total failure and would never be able to change anything in her life. Ju...

Parenting  parenting child thinking thoughts life
Homeschooling Methods

There is a wide variety of homeschooling methods and materials. Many homeschoolers base their work on a particular educational philosophy such as:Classical education (including Trivium, Quadrivium)Waldorf educationCharlotte Mason educationTheory of m...

Parenting  parenting materials unit school studies reading study science
Think Like Your Kids - And Understand Them More

Think Like Your Kids - And Understand Them More by: Frank McGinty Seven-year old Michael was on a school trip to a Wildlife Centre in Central Scotland. It was near the end of the day and they were in the Gift Shop before boarding the bus for the...

Parenting  parenting michael teacher were
Let Your Child Get Dirty! It’s Essential for Physical and Mental Development

Let Your Child Get Dirty! It’s Essential for Physical and Mental Development by: Charles Kassotis Are you still following your child around worrying that they might stain their clothes? Do you forbid playing outside because they might get dirt...

Parenting  parenting child outside immune
For Unique Baby Clothes, Cover Up In Style - Baby Hats

When shopping for unique baby clothes, don't forget to protect your kids in style with fashion-friendly baby hats. Baby boy hats come in a variety of styles, from Safari style to little ball caps. One great look is a derby or train engineer look...

Parenting  parenting baby hats fabric clothes
Find That Special Wilderness Camp

Wilderness camps are a proven vehicle for helping troubled teens. The quality of their program combined with the fabulous natural environment has been known to help many young people turn their life around. Now that being the case, you still have to ...

Parenting  parenting camp camps teen
Are Your Children Showing Entrepreneurial Tendencies?

Some say entrepreneurs are born while others say any one can become an entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is someone who can come up with new ideas to undertake a certain activity for instance business enterprise and ensure that the activity he/she undertake...

Parenting  parenting entrepreneurs venture working risks children