1,369 articles related to "parenting"

Studying About When To Start Potty Training To Your Young Kid

Determining when to start potty training to the little one, specially when the baby is a first-born, will be one toughest resolution for the parents. The top way to verify when to start potty training is to do several research regarding the subject. ...

Parenting  parenting potty start training child time will
Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs and Symptoms of Being Pregnant

Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs and Symptoms of Being Pregnant by: Brian Gardner EARLY PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS Although a lot of women experience pregnancy symptoms, and find signs of being pregnant, other's don't "feel" pregnant. Certain signs a...

Parenting  parenting pregnancy symptoms pregnant signs
Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Baby Shower Gift Ideas by: Adriana Copaceanu A few guests can get together and get a big laundry basket. Place in it a long clothes line with outfits, diapers, bibs, etc. pinned to it. It can also be used as a room decoration. It has a bit of ev...

Parenting  parenting shower baby guest
Children are People, Not Machines

Children are People, Not Machines by: Jeffrey D. Murrah, LPCWhen growing up, my father frequently reminded me to "pay attention to the details." That saying became very real to me in the area of parenting. While raising children, the details mak...

Parenting  parenting children attention parents child finding
The Treasure of reading to Children

The Treasure of reading to Children by: Maxine Thompson This placard graced my late mother’s bedroom wall, and until recently, I didn’t understand what it meant. After spending a normal vacation with my loved ones in Atlanta and Detroit, I r...

Parenting  parenting reading children books time treasure
SATS! - A Daunting Educational Yardstick

SATS! - A Daunting Educational Yardstick by: Noel Swanson The Dreaded SATS - A Teenagers Nightmare! Well, here we are again facing the dreaded standardized achievement tests (SATS). Everyone involved is a bundle of nerves. The head teacher want...

Parenting  parenting child sats donapost tests scores
Purchasing Organic and Natural Newborn Baby Apparel

Kids generally possess smooth, very sensitive epidermis that react to anything and everything that touches it. It is important to ensure that his or her clothing as well as accessories will not provoke rashes or any form of effect upon his or her ski...

Parenting  parenting natural organic clothes clothing
Clearing The Path For Your Children To Grow In A Stressful World

Life in the modern world is complex. With that complexity comes a host of stresses that drive the typical adult mad, and children too are now faced with adult worries and concerns at a very young age. The information overload of the present world has...

Parenting  parenting world life childaposs guidelines
Toys For Two Year Olds - What You NEED to Know Before You Make Your Purchase

Most people give very little thought when deciding which toys for two year olds they should purchase. However, according to child experts, a child learns the most between the ages of two to three years. You will observe many changes in them. For inst...

Parenting  parenting child toys give
4 Tips For Child Safety When Playing At Home Or In Sports

I'm a huge advocate of involvement in sports and active play as a great way to start your children off on the right foot in life, but I would also be blind or lying to say there are no risks involved. There are, of course, risks involved, but th...

Parenting  parenting playing sports children water itaposs