1,369 articles related to "parenting"

Importance of Early Childhood Care and Education

According to developmental psychologist Jean Piaget, he suggests that the logic of children is completely different from that of adults. He believed that children move through four stages of development between infancy and adolescence. The four stage...

Parenting  parenting child education stage parents
Making Co-Parenting In Divorce Work

After taking care of the all the divorce matters, the party involved usually ends up very exhausted and tired. They generally forgot the issue that matters most is parenting. Being a parent is hard enough and much harder now that you are both divorce...

Parenting  parenting divorce matters problems
Five Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Parenting Skills

Five Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Parenting Skills by: Frank McGinty The 'phone conversation had nothing at all to do with parenting - but it made me think... 'Hello, Eastbank Football Club. Can I help you?' 'Good morning, may ...

Parenting  parenting youaposre iaposm think
Cleaning a Child's Bedroom - 15 Minutes a Day

Cleaning a Child's Bedroom - 15 Minutes a Day by: Jess Knutson Here is a simple plan to help your child/teen keep their rooms clean. Don't worry if the room is a disaster. Just set the timer for 15 minutes each day and get started. Con...

Parenting  parenting room floor items each
Mommy & Baby: Keeping Tabs On Baby’s Growth

Mommy & Baby: Keeping Tabs On Baby’s Growth by: Kirsten Hawkins Lactation difficulties are not completely prevented by using PDF; you are rested and eating properly, your baby is getting enough food and growing, and your life is relatively pre...

Parenting  parenting milk baby first
Parenting: How to Help Your Firstborn Become Friends with the New Baby

Parenting: How to Help Your Firstborn Become Friends with the New Baby by: Peter Andrews It’s normal for a firstborn child to feel upset and unwanted when a new baby arrives. He or she is used to being the only child and had the family’s com...

Parenting  parenting baby child older time attention
Getting To Know Your Baby: Baby's Second Month Guide

Getting To Know Your Baby: Baby's Second Month Guide by: Michelle Higgins Time has flown. Your little bundle of joy has been a part of your home for more than four weeks now. The new dad and mum are now more relaxed, confident, and really e...

Parenting  parenting month baby babyaposs second little time
Choosing The Perfect Christian Baby Names

Are you pregnant? You will most likely need to pick out possible names for your newborn. If you have a strong faith, it's likely that you may be open to choosing from some Christian baby names. This article demonstrates our top Christian baby na...

Parenting  parenting name names baby christian ancient
5 Tips for Combating Sedentary Behavior in Your Children

Modern parents are finding themselves increasingly concerned with the general sedentary lifestyles of today's childrenjust as the professionals are alarmed about the increasingly sedentary habits of modern adults. It seems like all kids do these...

Parenting  parenting active children sedentary
Gratify Your Stripling's Visitors With Pleasing Bumble Bee Bedding Crib Sets

Bumble bee baby bedding (http://www.babybeddingzone.com/bee-baby-bedding/) is easy to locate and many moms and dads opt for this design because it coordinates easily with various other designs. Bee bedding works great for a larger insect theme but al...

Parenting  parenting bedding baby theme