951 articles related to "pets and animals"

Training American Bulldogs

American bulldogs are loyal and lovable and are very suitable as a family pet. These dogs are very intelligent but they can also be stubborn and light headed. This may lead to a few problems in training. Knowing about their quirks will allow you to t...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs training help
Hints On Getting A New Shar-Pei Puppy

Proper socialization is essential for puppies. Shar-Pei are very social creatures. It is very important to help them bond with other people rather than canines. At no time is socialization a bigger concern than when bringing a brand new puppy to the ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals older family shar will
Using A UV Aquarium Sterilizer for Aquarium Maintenance

A UV aquarium sterilizer will kill algae, viruses, bacteria and parasites using ultraviolet bulbs. This sterilizer does a great job at cleaning the aquarium water to pristine conditions. Ultraviolet sterilizers do such a great job that there are a nu...

Pets And Animals  pets animals aquarium sterilizer water flow bulb rate
Holistic Pet Food - Is It Market Publicity?

Before we saw that there were only 1 to 2 pet foods roughly that labeled them as 'Holistic'. But now they are all over the place. So, now what do manufacturers signify by 'Holistic' or 'Natural' and are there any central...

Pets And Animals  pets animals food holistic natural minerals product
Reflections on selecting a cat door with a keyed entry for his highness

Our cat, Ghanji, has a boxing buddy that is so bold as to use the cat door to come in and help himself to some munchies … and spray some of his scent around to annoy the master of the house – and us as well. Failing to determine if this was a nei...

Pets And Animals  pets animals door electronic collar ghanji
Bullfight Blues

Bullfight Blues by: Kacy Carrr Spain's notorious Bullfight is one of the most famous customs upheld by the Spanish. It draws attention worldwide from people who just love the sport, and also from many others who are agains't this barba...

Pets And Animals  pets animals bull bullfight matador
The German Shepherd Dog Breed - DDR, Czech and British Lines

These days, I have been gaining more visitors on this blog, which I have dedicated to the German Shepherd dog breed; something for which I'm appreciative. So thanks for coming back if you have already read one of my posts before and thanks for c...

Pets And Animals  pets animals german lines dogs shepherd these
The Stylish Large Dog Bed - No longer an Oxymoron

Is your best friend struggling to squeeze into her undersized dog bed or worse yet roaming your house looking for a warm place to finally get some rest? Well, it''s time you helped her out by finally rewarding her loyalty by buying an appro...

Pets And Animals  pets animals large lovehound beds better
A Dog's Actual physical Well-Being Is Principally A Undertaking Reliant On The Vitality Of Their own Digestive System.

The modern dog owner is doing their very best to grasp the current developments in feeding, exercising, and providing health care for the family dog. And simply because we love our dogs, the pet industry has progressed into a billion dollar market ge...

Pets And Animals  pets animals food diet dogaposs owners health supplements
Why Is Your Freshwater Aquarium Cloudy?

Okay, so you set up a new aquarium, did the necessary research about all the materials you will need, even purchased the most ideal size because you want your tank to be the center of attraction. Above all, you want to enjoy watching the fish swim by...

Pets And Animals  pets animals water tank fish problem aquarium