2,236 articles related to "recreation and sports"

Horse Training For Napping Horses

Horse Training For Napping Horses by: Andy Curry If you ever rode a horse that would stop and refuse to go forward then you would know how absolutely annoying it is. Why do they stop? Because that's their reaction to a worrisome or unpleas...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports horse time napping forward
Piano Pointers

Train the ear. Lack of ear training is the inevitable road to lack of interest, lack of progress, lack of success. Train the mind. Mechanical perfection is merely the first and least step in music. Train the senses. Music without interpretation is mu...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports music lack train playingout soul
The Art of Scrapbooking

If you’d like to start scrapbooking or create scrapbook-style art, but are simply overwhelmed by the vast product choices, let me help you narrow them down and get you going. I view scrapbooking as a highly specialized form of collage.With scrapboo...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports photos scrapbooking theme
Milling Four Square Lumber

Introduction:This tutorial assumes that you know how to safely operate your power tools. Always refer to the manufacturer instructions if you are unsure how to use your tools. Any wood worker needs to take a board from the lumber yard or their local ...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports board square face jointer table
What is Magic the Gathering

What is Magic the Gathering?Magic the Gathering is a collectable trading card game. It is also a strategy card game where two or more players play the role of a powerful wizard. Your deck represents all the weapons in your arsenal. Including creature...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports player cards card game deck magic
4 Poker Tips the Pros Won't Tell You

4 Poker Tips the Pros Won't Tell You by: Paul Runyan In the past few years, professional poker playing has exploded in popularity. The biggest players are winning substantial amounts of money. However, none of the professional poker players...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports players poker money hand they
Top 10 Dumbest Things Pro Athletes Do

Top 10 Dumbest Things Pro Athletes Do by: Jason O'Connor There seems to be an endless stream of idiotic things professional athletes do. I guess if you put a bunch of young men together, give them a boat-load of money and lots of free time,...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports athletes after
Why We Play Games, Part 2

Why We Play Games, Part 2 by: Steve Hall In part one we started to get into the motivation of the gamer. We discussed challenge and its ugly stepsister competition, two of the most common motivators. Today, we look at two more on the way to form...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports gamer world gaming
Taking Golf Swing Lessons Will Improve Your Game

Practice, practice and more practice might help but even consistent and constant attendance at the range may not produce a significantly lower handicap. Rarely is a game improved greatly through just playing. Adding taking golf swing lessons with tho...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports swing golf lessons practice game
Conquer Stress With Wing Tsun Kung Fu

WingTsun's first step for trainees in learning how to use an attacker's force against them is to "get rid of your own force." This statement has multiple meanings. Many people keep a lot of tension inside themselves. They are taught from a ...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports force form breathing