Array ( [about] => religion [p] => 39 )
The very reason why the number of Christian sects today grow faster is the belief of many Christians especially those in the protestant sects, that Church affiliation has nothing to do with Salvation. For them, salvation will be obtained as long as m...
Religion religion christ church members ibid headThe Soviets did everything they could to squelch religion. They destroyed churches, or turned them into everything from stables to movie theatres. Despite the efforts of the Soviets, the Russian people remained secretly devoted to the Russian Orthodo...
Religion religion church orthodox people soviets russianScientists and people in general are discussing passionately whether the universe is a result of some kind of intelligent design or if it has evolved by itself by pure coincidence without interference from any intelligent or creative power. Hard-core...
Religion religion creator world someWhy do Christians say, "God is good"? Because He is. Why do people believe God is a bad God? Due to famines, wars, shootings and violence that take place every day in this world, many assume that God must be bad. They think He is allowing these ev...
Religion religion jesus people earth genesisThe comprehension of Karma as revealed to the masses by Jesus is an improvement of the old interpretation and understanding of the principle of a previous dispensation of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," as given to the Israelites by Moses. ...
Religion religion light karma spiritual divineThe term church was first used by Christ during the time when he declared that He will build the church as it was written on the book of Matthew 16:18. Definitely, the Apostles who heard it from Christ knew what it means, because they didn't que...
Religion religion church christ part parts members apostleMany writers and people have said that we as a human species are far, far, far more powerful than we know. Yah'Shua (the real name for Jesus Christ) said "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do...
Religion religion abilities metaphysical children theyFor the majority of us, as we go through the every day, nitty gritty of our lives, death is an just an abstraction. So, whenever it happens around us, we're likely to be caught off-guard. If you are a officiant, you can't let that occur. H...
Religion religion service ceremony funerals thereRecent debates among the Anglican block once again threathen the union and community of the Episcopal Church. Commonly termed as the ECUSA or Episcopal Church in the USA, the Episcopalian community again renews its debates whether to admit or discont...
Religion religion church episcopal community love membersI find it difficult for a Christian Wife and Mother to also achieve success in the Business Industry. The Bible states that a woman first job is the household and the serving of her husband. It clearly states that a man role is to provide for the fam...
Religion religion difficult states business requires time