694 articles related to "religion"

The Signature of God (Book Review)

In "The Signature of God," author Grant R. Jeffrey examines the intricate design of the universe and the various patterns and codes that suggest the presence of an intelligent designer. Through a thorough analysis of scripture, science, and history, ...

Religion  religion bible codes jeffrey jewish testament book will
Do You Operate in Fear or Faith?

The greatest tool the enemy uses against us in life is fear, because fear keeps us from doing many of those things we would like to do in order to make our lives, and the lives of others, more complete and prosperous. Since we are born with...

Religion  religion devil fears lives prosperous just
Developing an Effective Mission Statement for your Church Startup

Starting a church is an incredible and rewarding experience, but it can also be a challenging one. There are many decisions to make and one of the most important is developing a mission statement. A mission statement defines the purpose and direction...

Religion  religion church congregation committee many
Learning to Get Along With People of Other Religions

It's a world of diversity. So diverse that of all the billions of people in this world, not any of us are the same. Not one person is exactly like another. That's the beautiful thing about our world. But, it is getting scarier and scarier ...

Religion  religion people differences different values world these
Is There A Need For A Non Ecclesiastical Translation

There is an ongoing debate within the religious community about the need for a non-ecclesiastical translation of religious texts. Ecclesiastical translations, those undertaken by religious institutions, are often seen as the most accurate and authori...

Religion  religion translated word example times
The Spanish and German Jews

The Spanish and German Jews are two groups of Jewish people who have a significant impact on the world's history. The Spanish Jews, also known as Sephardic Jews, trace their roots back to the Jewish communities of the Iberian Peninsula, which includ...

Religion  religion differences jews religious practice spain
The Ethnicity of the Antichrist

As one of the most talked-about figures in religious prophecy, the Antichrist has fueled a great deal of speculation, including discussions about their ethnicity. While the Bible does not explicitly state the Antichrist's race, many people have offer...

Religion  religion antichrist bible national identity clearly roman
English Believers And KJV Bible

For four centuries, English speaking believers has made KJV Bible their standard Bible and now many Christians have abandoned it with the modern translations. Some people think that there is a big difference between the Old KJV Bible and New King Jam...

Religion  religion bible english king believers james version translation
Enduring Hardships with God"s Love

At this time of intense planetary change, many of us are being challenged and are finding ourselves enduring hardships of one kind or another. Whether it be a health challenge, financial concerns, loss of a loved one, or life difficulties that endure...

Religion  religion time hardships overwhelming sadness grief
God Pleasers: Choosing Him Over All Else

As human beings, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to please others. We often find our self-worth in what others think of us and their opinions of our actions. But as Christians, our ultimate goal should be to please God above all else. B...

Religion  religion birthday voice wrapped shiny wrapper