694 articles related to "religion"

Christian Living Maturity (James Chapter 1)

Towards the end of James Chapter One, he talks about deceit. In order to become mature, we need to accept a want to grow-up, we must learn how to pass the tests of God, and we must learn how to handle temptation. Lets face it, there is a lot of tempt...

Religion  religion word must
It's Just Not Fair!

How many times do you go through your daily life complaining that something is just not fair? Once upon a time there was a wealthy manufacturer who needed extra workers. First thing in the morning he called the local Unemployment Office and hired se...

Religion  religion into
Christmas is Spelled With a Capital C

Ah, the Christmas season. I love this time of year. My favorite time of year. I don't know what it is but have you noticed that this time of year always invokes different modes and feelings in people. It always seems to bring out the best in peo...

Religion  religion christmas people time year
Doing With Each Other

Are you feeling lonely today? If you are, you are not alone. In a study published in the American Sociological Review, researchers from Duke University share that Americans have one-third fewer close friends and confidants than just two decades ago. ...

Religion  religion people life help
Your Christian Priorities ... Or Not?

Getting caught up in all the world says is important is probably the biggest hindrance to keeping your Christian priorities at the top of your list. It's so easy to go about your business every day, look out for your own interests, and if someon...

Religion  religion youaposre things mess even
A House Built With God Is A House With Purpose

Psalms 127 from the Living Bible http://www.wordofgodonline.com/ opens with "Unless the Lord builds a house, the builders work is useless." Have you ever questioned what we are all doing here? Have you looked at your work and questioned its purpose...

Religion  religion life find
Who Really Cares About You?

Are there times in your life when you feel like nobody really cares about you? Yes, there are people who show some concern. But who really knows and understands you? Life is full of challenges. Sometimes those challenges are small. Other times they ...

Religion  religion love really people just
The Heart Of A Servantleader

The bible exhorts us to gird our hearts with all diligence, for it is out of it that the issues of life flow (Prov 4: 23). Whether you are talking about jealousy, hatred insecurity or malice, they all spring from the heart. There is no doubt then tha...

Religion  religion heart people leaders leader

REVELATION 15 1 After this, I looked at the sky and saw something else that was great and marvelous;seven angels were bringing the last seven plagues. (THE FINAL PUNISHMENTS FROM GOD FOR THOSE STILL REMAINING ON THE EARTH) They contain God's an...

Religion  religion thought
How Do You Heal Someone Using A Ouija Board? - Part One

Everything I am about to share with you today may be verified anytime that YOU choose to look for yourself; to ask questions of those who have passed over and now reside in our spirit worlds through either your psychic ability or through a Ouija Boar...

Religion  religion there