On many a Friday night my daughter and I can be found in front of the computer playing an online game based upon “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”. The differences are that all the questions are related to science, we can’t actually win a million...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation child time learning resourcesSuzan AriA Great Helper to a Great Educator(1927 - 2002)“…loss of valued Suzan Ari we are grieving”(Salih Cosar –Leader Democrat Party [Minister for Economy kktc] ~in ’Halkin Sesi’ -26 Nov. 2002) Premier of Nth. Cyprus attended her funera...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation husband suzan education cultural manyAny man would be justly proud to claim even a portion of what Teddy Roosevelt accomplished in just one of his fields, whether politics, hunting, writing, military, or family. He was an extraordinarily accomplished man with an enormous appetite for li...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation roosevelt life greatWhatever it Takes!I have a sign on my office door. It pretty much summarizes my philosophy of life.The sign simply says…..”Whatever it takes.”Short. Simple. To the Point.“Whatever it takes,” means exactly that. That I will do “whatever it...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation life success problemsArticle Title: A One Word Tonic for Creatinga Positive Change in Your LifeAuthor Name: Doug C. GrantContact Email Address: doug @dougcgrant.comor dcgrant@horizonview.netAvailable On-Line at:www.dougcgrant.com/great.txt Available by Autoresponder at:g...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation feeling aposgreatapos word subconsciousWhat's stopping you from living the life of your dreams? Is it your circumstances or is it what you choose to believe about those circumstances and your ability to change them?The truth is; most of us get stressed when we feel we are not in comp...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation circumstances life peopleA magical maxim is WYTUG. You can remember WYTUG because it sounds like “Why tug?” So many of us are tugging at our life, trying to pull it along as if it was an obstinate, stubborn, headstrong mule. Why do that? Your life can be like the old chi...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation thoughts think lifeThe following story is an excerpt from Rebecca's upcoming book:Law of Attraction For Businessby Rebecca Hanson© 2003-2005 All rights reserved. Please ask permission to reproduce: rebecca@youcanhaveitall.comThere's no way to fake INTEGR...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation bank vibration item feel© Copyright 2004 Rebecca HansonPlease ask permission to reproduce this article. Rebecca@YouCanHaveItAll.comAre you working at a job you can't stand? Would you like to quit, but are afraid you'll attract more of the same? Often people w...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation acting thought handsMoonlighting or working part-time has long been an option for many full-time workers seeking a little more income. However, what has long been overlooked are the fringe benefits or dividends that working part-time provides. Working this way reduces s...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation time part working store retail hours