217 articles related to "sports and recreation"

Baseball Equipment for Training

Whether you just want to play the sports enough so you can hit a home run or are determined that your son gets the opportunity to enter the major league. You could do a lot better by investing in baseball equipment that trains you for this. As a litt...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation baseball equipment training train
Ingenious Paintball Gun Exchange Program

Real Action Paintball has offered an assortment of paintball markers that are intended to provide the customer an experience that is as real as possible. The foundation of this operation is the RAP4, the initial paintball marker planned like a real a...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation paintball real action trade customer tran will
A Guide For Buying Golf Clubs Online.

For Discount Golf Clubs, Look No Further!Before you buy discount golf clubs, you need information –what to look for, what to avoid. You don’t want to end up with less than top-quality golf club, even if they are at a discount price. Factory direc...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation golf discount clubs eight
Facts and Fallacies of Strength Training for Golf

Various aspects of golf training have expanded rapidly, but one area of development that has caught on somewhat slowly is golf-specific strength training. Not until very recently has this specific need been addressed. As with many things, it started ...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation training strength golf swing resistance
The Tale of Two Laddies

The Tale of Two Laddiesby: Robert J. McLardieBob McLardie has worked for over thirty years with countless horses and their owners to repair relationships, calm fears, nurture and protect and above all else bring owners to a new understanding of their...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation laddie josh horse feet
Golf Tips Presents How To Putt

Putting: Back to BasicsWe're back to putting again. We feel that strongly about it. The average golfer could easily make up 10 strokes a ROUND by putting properly. And it is much easier to practice putting then driving or fairway shots in your ...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation putting square right back
Surf Divas – The Girls Curl the Surf in California

Surf Divas – The Girls Curl the Surf in CaliforniaRead Jetsetters Magazine at www.jetsettersmagazine.comRead Jetsetters Magazine at www.jetsettersmagazine.comTo read this entire feature FREE with photos cut and paste this link:http://www.jetsetters...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation beach jetsetters
5 Myths About Sports Conditioning That Are Holding You Back Get the Answers From An Expert

In life we are surrounded by numerous myths and half-truths, the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, UFOs in Roswell, and Crop Circles just to name a few. No one quite knows if any of these things really exists or if they are just stories told by people for...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation training program conditioning footy strength
Power Personified – With Massive Arms

Power Personified – With Massive ArmsRemember when you were in High School. So many characters and personalities. Here’s one I think you’ll relate to. Gillie was the Paul Bunyon of my neighborhood. He had 20-22 biceps, and a neck almost as roun...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation gillie fence looked
Gifts Giving to the Beginner Golfer

GIFTS: GIVING TO THE BEGINNER GOLFERby A. HeathIt's golf season again! And you might be looking for a gift to give to someone who's just starting off in golf. So, here are some suggestions. These beginner golf gifts target those new golf so...

Sports And Recreation  sports recreation golf beginner gifts golfer