Think you need an "interesting" website, with lots of valuablecontent, interactivity, and frequent updates to keep visitorsreturning? Think again!Enticing visitors with lots of free content and hoping for animpulse sale is a quick way to starve! Yet...
Web Development development content visitors lots websiteIt's imperative that your website look professional. Why is this important? There are several reasons. People who visit a professional site feel:That they can trust the website ownerThat they can trust the website contents and messages They feel...
Web Development development simple professionalThe Internet gives us a two-way portal to the world. Unfortunately, most of us only use the Internet in one direction (i.e. receiving information). Many people never take advantage of the full potential the Internet gives - some don't even know ...
Web Development development editor htmlUntangling Spaghetti HTMLby Sunil Tanna, EBookCompiler.comWhen I was first learning to write computer programs, one of themost important points that was drummed into me was that it'snever a good idea to write great chunks of computer code that a...
Web Development development code files includeThanks for joining me again for this series. We’ve gone over a lot of thefundamentals of website. We will now get into the part you really cannot putyour finger on, but these things are just as crucial to your success:6. Is interesting: This is ver...
Web Development development needs needTerrific Design Tip # 1Place the most important offer, feature or product of yoursite closer to the top of the page. Give it prominence sovisitors will not miss it. Having a big logo taking all thevaluable space at the top of your web pages will not ...
Web Development development design email websiteThe Web is intended to help people find information quickly and easily. So why do so many sites make it difficult for users to get what they need?As president of a copywriting firm that writes and edits dozens of online projects a year, I've com...
Web Development development users orderShifting to Digital by: Florie Lyn Masarate If you ever get to see photos that were not done digitally, you would begin to wonder why it isn’t so. With digital cameras now being used everyday, photography has been taken to another level. Digit...
Web Development development printing digital theyDot Gov... Dot Dull? by: Kari White Most government Web sites are about as exciting as a Senate appropriations hearing. Besides lacking charisma, sites are difficult to navigate and a bear to search. But the possibilities of the Internet make ha...
Web Development development government users user sites searchIf you are the one who wants to grow your business at a faster pace then, you are in need to work on your online presence! Now, if you are thinking of developing a website then, there can be the best options through open source technologies. While ta...
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