3,317 articles related to "web development"

Choosing A Domain Host

Due to the numerous types of Web Hosting companies thatexist today, choosing the right one can sometimes be adaunting task. In making a decision on what is a 'fair' price, there areso many factors involved that it is difficult to pin-pointa...

Web Development  development company hosting host need
Is Your Web Host A Paddle Boat Or A Cruise Ship

A paddle boat is great for fun on a day off! But would you consider taking it to the open sea? A cruise ship on the other hand is ideally suited for pampering its guests with every facility imaginable for the vacation of your dreams!Applying this ana...

Web Development  development business host service need
Top mistakes first time web developers often make.

So you are new to web design and development. You are thinking of creating a web site, well below are the top 15 mistakes created by first time web designers.Most people who are reading this will probably know these already but it was writting for t...

Web Development  development sites well
Top 10 Ways Websites Makes Me Suffer

TERMS OF REPRINTcopyright 2004You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included and you follow these rules:Email distribution of this article MUST be opt-in email only.You must...

Web Development  development visitors
Effective Small Business Web Sites On a Budget

As more and more of the world's business starts taking placeonline, we're left to wonder how our own web pages will stand upand out in the jumble of everybody else's.Small businesses don't always have the option to buy expensivegr...

Web Development  development pages time
Designing A Successful Web Site

Before diving into the basics of good web site design, we should makesure we're all clear on one point. When we talk about web site design atPacific Business Marketing, we're referring to structure, content andnavigation, NOT "awesome" grap...

Web Development  development visitor contact
Problems Found After Indexing 200 Websites

NADmedia has a service that will include a member into the directory. Once the member is in the directory viewers can search for a New Media Professional by state or province. Once the members website url is entered into the database the members enti...

Web Development  development search engines pages
Competing with the Big Names

If you have ever been in an industry with long established, big name companies then you know it is hard to beat them in the search engine rankings. So you go to their pages to see how they are ranking so high, but they are not using the techniques yo...

Web Development  development name links content
Keyword Optimization - How To Achieve It

Keyword Optimization - How To Achieve It by: Elizabeth McGee The most important thing you can do for your business and your website is develop relevant keywords that are not too competitive yet generate targeted traffic to your website. It&apos...

Web Development  development keywords search keyword will
Pick Up Your Own Domain Name

Pick Up Your Own Domain Name by: Oleg Lazarenko Think up a name and check if yourname.com is available. Personally, I like to use http://www.whois.com to check if a domain name is available. You may also check the registrant contact information ...

Web Development  development domain name hosting like