3,317 articles related to "web development"

The Secrets to Building a Successful Web Site

If you're doing business on the Internet, one of the mostimportant aspects of your success is your web site. If yourweb site doesn't look professional, no matter what productyou're offering, your chance of success will be minimal.Befor...

Web Development  development visitors links
Using SSI's to Ease Site Maintenance

Before building a site, every webmaster has to make a decisionon what layout method to use. Most seem to go with either aframe or a table-based layout, the latter being more popular inthese days. While both of these have their advantages anddisadvant...

Web Development  development file files
Set Your Website In Order

One thing that will kill the potential for a website is thelack of order for the web pages - especially the homepage.If you're going to design your own website, be sure thatyou find a pattern that will be appealing to your visitorsand design you...

Web Development  development visitor links from
Getting a domain name

Registering a domain name is one of the two tasks that you will have to undertake before even building your website. The other process is obtaining hosting for your site. A domain name makes up part of the address of your site and can have many endin...

Web Development  development name domain
Achieve a better website by avoiding these 10 basic mistakes

Ever since I started doing free website reviews, there have been some common elements where many of the websites miss the mark. Usually this is because webmasters forget to recognise that websites are a multi-faceted thing - a bit like an onion – w...

Web Development  development website
Making Money, Not Excuses

Making Money in 2002!So You Want to Make Some Money This Year?Webmasters and small business owners who are lured online by thetremendous profit potential are often overwhelmed by the enormousamount of information they have to sift through, especially...

Web Development  development goals money make

The future of customer service is here. Technology has made seeking out support faster and easier than ever. But, has your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name of automation? Today, finding customer support is as simple as writing ...

Web Development  development customer support service mail customers
10 Practical Suggestions For Fostering a Successful Website

1.) Write every idea and task you have down. Ideas can easily be forgotten and never used. Plus you can miss tasks that need to be done, which is much worse. 2.) Keep a pad of paper for spur of the moment ideas. A lot of times you might have a great ...

Web Development  development idea donapost them
Seven Sure Fire Ways to Scare Your Customers Away

Your visitors are your most important Internet asset. Withoutvisitors, you don't have buyers, and without buyers you don'thave a business.But visitors are a fickle beast. Somewhat like a cautiousmouse - always sniffing and nosing about, but...

Web Development  development donapost visitors visitor they
Website Usability - How to Make Your Website User-Friendly

In this article we'll cover some basics of website usability, in other words, making your website user-friendly. This article in no way covers everything you should keep in mind prior to designing your website - there is much more. I have listed...

Web Development  development visitors make