3,317 articles related to "web development"

The Shoestring-Budget Guide To Promoting Your Web-Design Business

The Shoestring-Budget Guide To Promoting Your Web-Design Business by: Steven Danziger The shoestring-budget guide to promoting your web-design business Most webdesigners are small or one-person companies with limited resources for promotion and ...

Web Development  development business people
Your Website Visitors - Will They Stay

I'm sure you've all heard the saying 'Build it and they will come'. Although that may have been true a few years ago, now we must work, and work hard, to get visitors to our websites. You can't always control who visits, howe...

Web Development  development home
Self appointed Guru’s, black hat SEO, link exchanges, and other things that go bump on the internet

If you have a web site and are looking for traffic, then I am sure you have done your fair share of research on the internet. With so much at stake and your web site’s success or failure hanging in the balance, there is a wealth of information to ...

Web Development  development site
Trust & Credibility Vital Components to the Success of a Website

When was the last time you ever did business with someone youdidn't trust? When did you last do business with someone thatyou suspected of being dishonest? Never.This is because trust and credibility are crucial in any businesstransaction. In fa...

Web Development  development people make
The Site Map – Important or Not?

The Site Map – Important or Not? by: Halstatt Pires Have you ever visited a web site and noticed the "Site Map" button jammed somewhere near the bottom of the page? Ever click on it? Probably not. So, why do sites have site maps? The Site Map ...

Web Development  development search fulcrum they
Why a Website Design Speaks Volumes about Your Company?

Why a Website Design Speaks Volumes about Your Company? by: Anthony Jewell Whether a business has just got off the ground or has been established for years, start-up and long running companies are looking to the internet to expand their sales as...

Web Development  development will
How to Create a Useful, Popular Website

How to Create a Useful, Popular Website by: Michael LaRoccaIn this free email course, I'll tell you everything I know about setting up your website and placing it highly in the search engines. Everything I tell you will also be free. You&ap...

Web Development  development site
20 Sure-Fire Ways To Get People To Link To Your Web Site

Here's some simple yet POWERFUL ideas on how to get people to link to your web site.1. Offer other web sites free content to post on their web site. Include your link on all of your content. The content should related to your web site because it...

Web Development  development link people them
Increase Website Traffic by Giving Them What They Want

Yes, it is true… to increase website traffic you need links pointing to your site. But not any old links. Sure, many internet marketers still believe that link building, both one way and reciprocal, are the way to go. I find this to be an outdated ...

Web Development  development site
Getting your Visitor's Details Using PHP

You can get quite a bit of information about your visitors without having to use a third party tracking software. I'll outline the PHP commands you can use to capture some of this data. The details you capture can be saved into a database, and r...

Web Development  development site