2,242 articles related to "women"

How To Wear High Heel Trainers

They were one of the biggest footwear trends of the 90s and high heel trainers came back into fashion with a bang last year. Made famous by the Spice Girls, you either love them or hate them, but either way it looks like platform, wedge and high heel...

Women  women heel trainers looks
Choosing A Perfume

Perfumes have been an integral part of human culture for centuries. From the ancient Egyptians to contemporary society, perfumes have been used to enhance one's appeal and confidence. A good fragrance not only makes you smell good but also plays a cr...

Women  women different choice fragrances perfumes scents
A look at Tooth Whiteners

Tooth whiteners have become increasingly popular over the years as people prioritize having a brighter, more radiant smile. From whitening toothpaste to dentist appointments, the options for teeth whitening seem endless. While tooth whiteners might n...

Women  women teeth bleaching whitestrips toothpastes
Make Your Own Brown Sugar Body Scrub

Make Your Own Brown Sugar Body Scrub by: Kenia To promote radiant, shiny skin tone it is advisable to exfoliate on a regular basis at least every 15 days. It removes dead cells and clears your skin. You'll love the results. Ingredients: 1...

Women  women orange skin brown vitamin spoon sugar rinse oiljuice
What is Reiki?

What is Reiki? by: Sam Stevens Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing in which a properly attuned Reiki Practitioner serves as a conduit for Universal Life Force (or ReiKi). The Reiki practitioner opens them self up as a conduit for a semi-s...

Women  women reiki energy healing healer thought from
Antique Jewellery: Real or Repro?

Behold that gorgeous antique brooch you've been staring at for the last few days on the internet! It's obviously Art Nouveau... isn't it? It's often very difficult to distinguish from a genuine antique jewellery piece and a good ...

Women  women piece victorian jewellery gold identify
Silver Bracelet - Consistent Appeal

The silver bracelet is one ornament that has captured many hearts. Despite other more expensive and thereby more desired jewellery items, the silver jewellery bracelet continues to be a favourite of many. Worn by men and women both, theses lovely wri...

Women  women silver bracelet jewellery designs bangles
Prenatal Health - Folic Acid an Overview

FOLIC ACID – AN OVERVIEW Folic Acid, also know as Vitamin B9, assists in preventing certain birth defects of the spinal cord and brain known as neural tube defects (NTDs). Without a sufficient amount of Folic Acid the cells that form the baby’s b...

Women  women folic acid defects helps birth brain births
The Meaning of \"Charm\" in a Bracelet

Charm bracelets have been around for a long time, given as gifts to relatives, special friends, maybe for that "sweet sixteen" party, or as a remembrance for the bridesmaids at your wedding. Traditional charm bracelets have always been popular, it do...

Women  women charm bracelets special charms italian
Who Can You Turn To If You Want To Terminate A Pregnancy?

The thought of an unplanned pregnancy can be a terrifying and overwhelming situation for any woman. Many do not know where to turn or how to confirm they are even pregnant. A woman can seek out the expertise and professionalism of the staff at an abo...

Women  women abortion woman pregnancy choice clinic procedure