Array ( [about] => women [p] => 193 )
Everyone claims to come from a dysfunctional family these days. If you believe what you hear, no-one can claim “normal” in their homes anymore! However, successful holidays with family and friends are possible by remembering the little things ...
Women women family holiday friends duringAs a business success coach I have worked with many people who consider themselves successful and who are considered successful by their peers. No matter how much you earn, how fast you find yourself on the right track, or how often people compliment...
Women women confidence peopleWant to become one of the most powerful and influential global businesswomen on the planet? I do! Then dismount your Harley and start working on it. But first, you have to learn how to become a bad girl, because bad girls always finish first.Break a ...
Women women girls theyBoost You Sex Life The Natural Way! by: Richard Moore A look at some natural aphrodisiacs. There are many well-known ways to boost a sagging libido, from oysters to zinc to Viagra. But what about some holistic alternatives? First of all, with ag...
Women women cass herbs someGetting pregnant is a nerve wracking experience. Whether it was a planned pregnancy or an unplanned pregnancy, there will be questions, fears, anxieties, and doubts. However, an unplanned pregnancy can be accompanied by feelings of loneliness and des...
Women women pregnancy pregnant helpBefore I talk specifically about the new trends for colour, let me first give you a short overview of the now, ubiquitous, Prom. Proms first began in the elite colleges of the Northeast, taking their cue from the debutante balls of the rich and well...
Women women prom black formalTips for Women as They Adjust to Married Life by: Rachel Greenberg There are basically two types of men out there. Men who like to watch sports, and men who don’t. I consider myself lucky to have met and married a man who falls into the latter...
Women women marriedThe Great AwakeningMenopause by: Dr. Loretta Lanphier ND, CN, HHP Menopause is a natural transition all women experience, as natural as adolescence. For your grandmother and great-grandmother, life expectancy was shorter. Reaching menopause ofte...
Women women menopauseMen Cheat by: Gregory Lions"Big, little or short or tall,Wish I could have kept 'em all,I loved 'em every one"- T.G. Sheperd, I Loved 'Em Every OneI thumbed through the New York City Yellow pages under "Escort Services". There wer...
Women women physical justBen has been happily married for 19 years. He recently told me the prime reason he married his wife is because, "She was the only girl I dated who could control me."I had no idea what he was talking about. I don't know many people, men or women...
Women women give wanted