2,242 articles related to "women"

7 Tips for Decorating Your Child's Room

7 Tips for Decorating Your Child's RoomBy Liz Hekimian-WilliamsIf you're not sure where to start or how best to tackle updating your child's bedroom, you're not alone. In a lot of families, the baby nursery takes a lot of planning...

Women  women room childaposs child enjoy
Relationships with Abusive Narcissists - Part II

Moreover, the narcissist is a man for all seasons, forever adaptable, constantly imitating and emulating, a human sponge, a perfect mirror, a chameleon, a non-entity that is, at the same time, all entities combined. The narcissist is best described b...

Women  women narcissist abuse
Are You Afraid That You Might Be Pregnant?

Getting pregnant is a nerve wracking experience. Whether it was a planned pregnancy or an unplanned pregnancy, there will be questions, fears, anxieties, and doubts. However, an unplanned pregnancy can be accompanied by feelings of loneliness and des...

Women  women pregnancy pregnant help
Back In Black - Prom Dresses

Before I talk specifically about the new trends for colour, let me first give you a short overview of the now, ubiquitous, Prom. Proms first began in the elite colleges of the Northeast, taking their cue from the debutante balls of the rich and well...

Women  women prom black formal
A Wedding For All Seasons

A Wedding For All Seasons by: Declan Tobin In times gone by it wasn’t uncommon for young couples to consult the Tarot as to what month of the year according to the stars would be their best time to wed, this would depend on what time of year t...

Women  women wedding season time will
Why Men Cheat

Men Cheat by: Gregory Lions"Big, little or short or tall,Wish I could have kept 'em all,I loved 'em every one"- T.G. Sheperd, I Loved 'Em Every OneI thumbed through the New York City Yellow pages under "Escort Services". There wer...

Women  women physical just
What to Watch For When Buying Child Ugg Boot

Children are more in tune to today’s marketing mania than most parents realize. The producers of television and radio stations that are geared towards children select and run advertisements that are especially created to attract the attention of th...

Women  women parents boots boot children
Changing Careers, Changing Wardrobes From Corporate America to Event Planner

Several women are now making the leap from careers in Corporate America to being their own boss in the creative industry. As entreprenuers, most of their "extra" income is put towards building the business, leaving little money to build a new wardrob...

Women  women black shoe shoes color
The Holiday Fun in DysFUNctional

Everyone claims to come from a dysfunctional family these days.  If you believe what you hear, no-one can claim “normal” in their homes anymore! However, successful holidays with family and friends are possible by remembering the little things ...

Women  women family holiday friends during

At a time when violent crime nationwide is on the decline murders down 13 percent from 1999 one crime statistic is haunting the criminal justice system. The killing or injury of children by their parents or stepparents shows an alarming rise. Between...

Women  women parents children abuse child