2,242 articles related to "women"

Uncovering Your Joy: Using a Personal Journal to Discover a Life Filled with Happiness

Uncovering Your Joy: Using a Personal Journal to Discover a Life Filled with Happiness by: Patti Testerman Author Tristine Rainer wrote “Happiness within a diary has less to do with the events you encounter in life than with the way you experi...

Women  women journal life filled experience
Underwear That's Right For You

Underwear That's Right For You by: Mike YeagerProbably the most popular type of all underwear on the market for men is the boxer-brief. I think it’s fair to say that this style of underwear has become the underwear of choice. Why? Well be...

Women  women underwear style great

Women rock! This year has seen some noted achievements for the sisterhood this year. For starters, there are more women millionaires and billionaires, moving and shaking, thanks to Oprah and J.K. Rawling. Speaking of Oprah, she is making fifty look "...

Women  women woman issues world being
Designer Handbags - So Which Is The Best Material

With the huge number of different types of designer handbags available to choose from, how do you know which material you want it to be made from?To a certain degree, it depends on what you want the handbag to do.Do you want it to compliment an outfi...

Women  women handbags leather material
Unwanted Facial Hair, Hair Removal

Unwanted Facial Hair, Hair Removal by: John Lim What Sparked An Obsession With Body and Facial Hair? Find Out More About Unwanted Facial Hair And The Current Hair Removal Craze. More and more women are obsessed with removing unwanted facial hai...

Women  women hair facial unwanted removal body
Pregnancy and Nutrition - Dealing With Morning Sickness

A woman who does not face nausea during pregnancy is rare indeed. Almost all pregnant women will experience morning sickness at some time or the other and some women suffer from it almost all through their pregnancy. In a true sense, "Morning sicknes...

Women  women pregnancy morning sickness food some
Pregnant Discharge - 5 of the Most Common Causes of Vaginal Discharges During Pregnancy!

Experiencing changes in your body is probably the most obvious occurrence during pregnancy. These changes are physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and hormonal. You may begin to surprise yourself based on the decision you will make or by how sudde...

Women  women changes obvious pregnancy experiencing
The Women’s Plus Size Clothing Revolution

The Women’s Plus Size Clothing Revolution by: Donna Monday Once upon a time, not too long ago, if you were a woman who wore clothes over a size 14 your clothing choices were limited to cheap looking, baggy and unattractive clothes that made yo...

Women  women size plus clothing clothes wedding looking
Cosmeceuticals: The New Wave in Skin Care Solutions

Cosmeceuticals: The New Wave in Skin Care Solutions by: Christina Iacovelli Cosmeceuticals are the new wave in skin care. They are topical cosmetic-pharmaceutical hybrids intended to enhance the health and beauty of the skin. Skin is the largest...

Women  women skin natural wrinkles agent anti
A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #2

If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, your first challenge is to choose a deck from the 8,000 or so published brands of fortune telling cards on the market. What works for one person often doesn't for another. Some people are comfortab...

Women  women deck cards tarot rider