About ERP


ERP means Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP provides the foundation for combining enterprise wide information systems. These systems will link all aspects of your companys operations including human resources, financial planning, manufacturing, and distribution, and it will also connect the organization to your customers and suppliers.

ERPS (Enterprise Resource Planning Systems) comprises of a commercial software packages that brings together all the information flowing through the company such as financial, accounting, human resources, supply chain and customer information.
ERP Systems provide information management and analysis to organizations.

Some Benefits with ERP:
- On-line/real time information throughout all the functional areas of an organization.
- Data standardization and accuracy across the enterprise.
- Best-practices or optimized solutions are included in the applications.
- Creates efficiencies that organizations would not otherwise have.
- The analysis and reporting that can be used for long-term planning.

Examples of ERP packages are HRMS, Financials, Manufacturing, Distribution, and Sales. Each ERP Package may offer different functionality for different industries.

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