Autoresponders: How to save yourself hundreds of hours.
What Can AutoResponders Do That Will Save Me Hundreds Of Hours? by James Mann
First let me say there is absolutely nothing wrong with responding to your email manually. I personally respond to many emails each day with my personal touch.
The emails that I am responding to are personal request for a response. That request may be for information that needs a one on one, or it may be a request that just needs that personal touch.
My question "Why use AutoResponders?" is not looking for an answer that deals with personal emails. What I am talking about are the request for information.
People that send you requests for more info or answers to Frequently Asked Questions dont really care if they get a personal response.
What they want is a prompt business like answer that solves their problem.
This is were an Automated-Response can make you the hero of their day, plus it can free up hours that you spend responding manually.
Think for a moment about time zones...
I am from the east coast of Canada and you are from the west coast of United States. So we may have about four hours difference. What about those that are from around the world?
While you are getting ready to have breakfast I am already thinking about lunch.
When you are sitting down to your supper I am watching the 10 oclock news and thinking about getting ready for bed.
After you have your dinner you sit down and start reading the email you received today. While you are doing this I am sleeping soundly in my nice warm bed.
As you read you come across an email that sends you to one of my web sites. Once you arrive you see something that prompts you to email me for more information.
You are really excited about what I have and you want that information immediately, but...
I havent learned about autoresponders so you have to wait until I get up and read your request for more information. To make it worse, I may not read your email until I get home from work and have had my supper.
By the time you get my email you may have moved on to something else and totally forgot about me.
Wouldnt it be better if I learned about the power of automated responses?
I would think you would be really pleased if you got the email in less than a minute.
That is what autoresponders will do for you. They are automatic and usually get sent out within a minute or so.
It does not matter what time zone you live in.
So take the time to learn more about this great tool and start using AutoResponders.
James Mann iNET Strategies Inc.