Breakdown cover is almost like an extension on your standard car insurance. If you crashed your car, you would claim on your insurance to get the necessary repairs or alternatively to buy a new car of the same value. Similarly, breakdown cover provides you with the necessary repairs and support that would normally cost you a lot of money.
The breakdown cover provides you with multiple options and support in addition to providing the repairs where they can and getting you back on the road, such as providing hire cars when your vehicle needs to be in the garage for a while, tow facility where they would tow your car to the nearest garage or even to your home.
In contrast to car insurance which is required by law in order to protect both you and the general public, breakdown cover is an optional addition and the reasons many choose to purchase this breakdown cover differ tremendously. The main reason however is that many individuals simply doubt their vehicles ability to drive continually, unhindered by the many factors that can effect them that most of us just can