Punch-Drunk Love : Adam Sandler gives an amazing and unusual performance as Barry Egan, a socially impaired owner of a small novelty business, who is dominated by seven sisters and is unlikely to find love unless it finds him. When a mysterious woman (Emily Watson) comes into his life, his emotions go haywire, fluctuating between uncontrollable rage, lust and self-doubt. From Paul Thomas Anderson, the brilliant writer/director of Boogie Nights and Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love is a dark, lovely and unique film experience.
After viewing this film, you will leave the theater feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. You may also leave with a new found respect for Adam Sandler, because he has finally shown some acting ability, by breaking away from his usual slapstick, dunce character.
Punch-Drunk Love is mysterious, clever, strange, cute, twisted, funny, dramatic, different, smile-inducing, and fun. See it.