Safe Motorcycling: 4 Counterintuitive Tips For The Motorcycle Riders Out There

Everyone knows that riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than a car, and it is a good idea to take a motorcycle safety course before you ever think about taking a bike out on the open road. It will really teach you a lot of things that you will never pick up on your own after years of driving a bike, and these small things really can mean the difference between eventually having a bad accident and maintaining a pristine road record. Here are some counterintuitive tips that can really help with your riding.

1. Straighten Up Before Swerving

When a rider is going around a corner and something suddenly appears in their path, like a large rock or a car, it is their typical instinct to immediately swerve out of the way. This often leads to big trouble as correcting sharply or changing direction even slightly in a deep turn can easily lead to losing control of the bike and crashing to the ground.

Whenever you are in a turn and something sudden comes of nowhere in your path, your first move needs to be to slow down, straighten the bike up, and then swerve around the obstacle or pull to the side of the road (if you can, get off the bike and remove any obstacles that are lying in the road, to protect other drivers, but be careful if it is a particularly blind corner).

It is a good idea to practice this off the road if you can