Auto insurance is unavoidable and everyone knows that if they purchase a car or other vehicle, they must also purchase automobile insurance. It is the law. However, while finding an auto insurance policy might seem simple, sometimes finding inexpensive insurance is not.
Basic car insurance called Limited Tort insurance, is cheap insurance that covers only the basics and is, in most cases, just barely enough to keep a car street legal. If the insured is in an accident, a limited amount is paid out after a deductible is paid by the insured.
This limited amount pays for medical insurance and property damages. However, a cap is placed on the amount and anything more that must be paid comes out of the pocket of the insured. Additionally, this type of policy prohibits a Limited Tort policyholder from suing for pain and suffering and other types of damages that would be covered under a liability policy.
A Liability policy covers the intangibles, including pain and suffering and any other damages not covered by the basic insurance policy held by the insured. Additionally, liability insurance will cover damages incurred by an uninsured or underinsured motorist in some cases. In other cases, a separate policy is needed to cover these damages. Full coverage is another type of policy that covers almost everything including liability, property damage, bodily harm, uninsured, underinsured and more. This coverage costs more, however, these costs can be lowered by paying a higher deductible.
No matter what type of car insurance is purchased, when driving a car all drivers are required to carry an SR-22. While each state has its own version of this form, they are all essentially the same. SR-22 forms are typically used when those who have been in accidents did not have the required insurance card with them at the time.
In some cases, such as when a driver is pulled over for speeding or other traffic infraction, a warning is given and the driver must produce an SR-22 within 24 or 48 hours. This is a situation that no driver wants to get caught in, since it can become an expensive hassle that is difficult to reconcile.
To combat both the high priced policies and the lack of cheap insurance, auto insurance companies have online brokers to assist any driver with their needs. These brokers can find the perfect policy for any driver's needs, whether they want full coverage policy or limited tort and low cost auto insurance. They can meet the needs of every customer and are state governed and certified.