Simple Steps to Increase Fuel Efficiency in Your Car

When you take the short amount of time and minimal effort that it requires to increase the fuel efficiency in your car, you not only will be saving a great deal of money, you will also be doing a substantial part to help our environment. Everything that you do to help our world and your money matter, and, with the economy and the environment in the current state that they are in, now is as good a time as ever to begin improving in these areas.

A step that will increase fuel efficiency in your car and is not only simple but requires very little time is removing excess weight. Remove as much as you are able from your car, the lighter the load that your car has to carry, the better your gas mileage, and the more money you will save. Keep any items, such as spare water, first aid kits, and tools your car may need in your car, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

A simple step to increase fuel efficiency in your car is to make sure that your tires are properly inflated and that they are aligned correctly. Checking the air pressure of your tires is simple and only takes a few minutes. Check your owner's manual to see the correct pressure that your tires should be at. Properly inflated tires will last longer, improve your fuel economy, save you money, and help cut down on air pollution.

Driving more efficiently is a great way to improve your gas mileage and it also makes the road a safer place. Follow the laws and don't drive too aggressively or speed as your gas mileage will decrease rapidly at speeds of 60 miles per hour or higher.

Try to combine your errands in to one long trip instead of many short trips, by doing this you can save up to twice the amount of gas mileage.

There are a variety of ways to increase fuel efficiency in your car, my last suggestion for you is to drive only when you need to, if stores and friends are in walking distance, then take the walk and save money and help our environment. Try public transportation as an option and make the attempt to car pool with friends and coworkers.