Sunfire Cold Air Intake - Better Performance, Cleaner Air
Being eco friendly is something we hear and read about more and more each day and one would think that we would be aware of all the things that we can do to make our life style more sustainable and less of a stress on the natural cycles of our planet. But you can still come to know of relatively simple things you can do do make your carbon footprint smaller. Take for example the exhaust gases from your car. The more efficiently your engine is able to burn the fuel the less harmful to the environment are the exhaust gases for the environment. And there are simple and not very expensive products that you can add to your car to make the car's engine burn fuel more efficiently.
Take for example that you own an exciting car such as the Pontiac Sunfire. You can make it even more exciting by boosting its performance with the help of a Sunfire cold air intake. And the great thing is not only will the engine deliver more power its exhaust gases will also pollute less because with the help of a cold air intake it is able to burn the fuel more efficiently.
So how does a cold air intake help the fuel burn more efficiently? The fuel is burnt in a small volume which is the engine's cylinder. A mixture of fuel and air is thrust into the cylinder and then ignited. The more the amount of oxygen available the better the fuel can burn. A cold air intake takes cold air to the engine. More air is then able to get in because cold air is more dense. More air means more oxygen which in turn means better combustion. In a simple and elegant manner you can get more power from your car's engine and it will run with better efficiency as well.
You can choose a cold air intake conveniently by going online. You can read the details compare the prices and make a confident decision. You can also hope to find some special deals. You can see the latest Sunfire cold air intakes at