10 Tips on How to Focus

10 Proven Tips on How To Focus

#1: Exercise is Brainpower

Can't concentrate on the task at hand? Take a brisk walk around the
Even just five to ten minutes of moderate exercise will give you the
you need to work for a little while longer.

#2: Thinking About the Outdoors?

Too nice outside? Can't wait to get out of the office? Take a
break to go outside, sit in the sun and breathe in the fresh air. When
return to your desk you should have the spark you need to get through
next few hours.

#3: Can't Decide Where to Start?

Make a list of everything you want to do. This takes away the stress
worry about forgetting something, and you may find that your list isn't
long as you imagined it to be.

#4: Can't Decide What to do Next?

Make a list of everything you have to or want to do. Delegate or dump
you can and cross it off your list. Circle the things you absolutely
get done, and check the things you would like to get done. Pick one of
circled items and start there. Once you've gone through the circled
you can hit the checked items.

#5: Avoiding A Task You Despise?

Some days mowing the lawn or working on a report just isn't appealing.
a timer and commit to working on your chosen task wholeheartedly until
timer goes off. Depending on your task, you may choose to set your
for 15, 20, 30, 45, or 60 minutes. Come back to the task later for

#6: Having a Hard Time Getting Started?

As many people say, you can do anything for 15 minutes. Set a timer
for 15
minutes, and give your project your all. Once the timer goes off, you
choose to stop. Sometimes you'll find that just the momentum of
started is enough to stick with it until you're finished.

#7: Overwhelmed by Your To-Do List?

Many people like to create weekend to-do lists, but at the start of a
Saturday morning, the combination of a free day and long list can be
overwhelming. Assign an estimated time value to each of your projects.
Then number them randomly to stagger the time spent on each item. As
you go
through your list, 15 minutes of vacuuming becomes a nice break to 30
minutes of changing the oil in your car, which is a nice change of pace
your two-hour painting project. Before you know it, you're done!

#8: Distracted by a Cluttered Desk?

If you work well in a quiet, clean area, the visual noise around your
workspace could be draining you of focus. Keep your desktop reserved
the task at hand. Clear your walls of notes and signs, and keep only
necessary work tools nearby. When you don't have reminders of other
impending deadlines and responsibilities in front of your face, you can
concentrate on completing your current project.

#9: Are People Your Problem?

For many people, other people are the reason they cannot concentrate.
you have a job where people are constantly stopping by to talk to you,
work at home, make sure they know when it is and is not appropriate to
with you. Set aside time just to work. Even 30 minutes of
time will help you accomplish a lot. Also remember - they invented
mail for a reason!

#10: Does Your Environment Compete with Your Focus?

Sometimes we are put in situations where we have no choice other than
force ourselves to concentrate in a noisy room or focus on a project
multiple distractions running around. If you find yourself in this
situation, talk yourself through it. You don't have to talk out loud -
the voices in your head can be very powerful. Say every word you see,
tell yourself about the project you're working on. Before you know it
won't even notice what is going on around you.

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©Kimberly Wells, Speron Inc, MyPrivateCoach d/b/a 2004.


Kimberly Wells is your Life and Goal Coach at MyPrivateCoach.
She can be contacted at info@myprivatecoach.com.

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About the Author

A trained coach based out of Wisconsin, Kimberly is the Goal and Time Management Coach at http://www.MyPrivatecoach.com.