10 Tips on Leading Teams in the 21st Century

In our ever-changing business world, one thing that rarely changes in our desire to create successful business teams. However, team building and team leading techniques do change. You can't lead a team in the 21st century the same way you did in the last century not if you want to have a winning team, that is.

Here are ten tips on team leading that I've collected from some of today's most innovative leaders...

1. Make sure that your team is a team, and not a group.

There is a difference... Do you know it? If not, try reading The Top 10 Key Differences Between a Team of Individuals and a Group of Individuals at TopTen.org.

2. You don't build a team. It builds itself.

What you can do, however, is create the environment for the team to flourish and assemble itself.

3. Team members must share a vision.

Team members must value a win for the team more than they do a win for themselves.

4. Keep your teams as small as possible.

Big teams are difficult to lead and have more problems communicating a shared vision.

5. Teams must be able to think and act fast.

Make sure that you give the team "rules" so that it can respond quickly to changing situations.

6. Teams can survive only if there is open & honest communication at all times.

Everyone on the team must be able to offer input, ideas, and criticisms. Nothing must be held back for fear of reprisals.

7. Teams that learn the most will lead the most.

Your teams must stay aware of the latest information, techniques, and technology. They must enjoy learning and should have ample opportunity to do so.

8. Teams should focus on their own efforts, not the competition's.

It's o.k. to stay in touch with what the competition is doing, but your team's focus should always be on what it needs to do for it's success.

9. For your team to make a difference, it must do things differently.

If you do it the "same old way" your team will stay exactly where it's always been.

10. A team approach may not be the best approach.

It's great to want to create a team environment in your business, but a team approach is always appropriate or necessary.

About the Author

Jim Allen is a professional life & business coach. For more ideas, subscribe to his free bi-weekly ezine, THE BIG IDEA, by sending a blank email to: SubscribeGA@CoachJim.com