12 Steps To Financial Freedom

Yes, you are welcome and you are at the right place at the right time.

You have come to a point where you need to take a decision.

You have to sit down and reflect on a number of issues.

(1) You cannot derive lasting fulfillment by working for money instead of discovering why you are here on planet earth and putting every energy in you to achieving that purpose.

(2)Your decision is to take inventory of your talents and taking steps to developing them fully to the glory of God.

(3)Don't slave for money any longer.

The Commandment12 Steps To Financial Freedom.

(1)Thou shall by all means know the state of your financial health.

(2)Thou shall create a column for God by paying 10% of all your income as tithe so that He can sanctify the remaining 90%. And if you don't believe God exists, which is not sensible, thou should donate the 10% to charity.

(3)Thou shall take out the next 10% and put it in any investment vehicle that pays return higher than inflation rate. It's wise to add unexpected money as well as any raise from promotion to your savings

(4)Thou shall take full control of the way you spend on any transaction and every penny spent on any transaction and every penny that flows into your pocket. There is no wisdom on buying on impulse.

(5)Thou shall prepare a financial freedom plan stating when you want to retire and what level of investment you must have at retirement that can generate enough returns to the full care of your retirement expenses. You must set specific goals.

(6)Thou shall look for a mentor on whose feet you must sit to learn about financial investment and management plans.

(7)Thou shall invest more in your mind and brain more than you invest in your physical appearance. What you do on the inside determines how far you can go outside.

(8)Thoun shall get a lawyer to put your will together. This is a reasonable step to take if you don't want to leave sorrow for your loved ones.

(9)Thou shall also take an insurance policy to absorb any unexpected emergencies.

(10)Thou shall develop alternative sources of income to your salaries. You cannot be wealthy by working for your boss alone. Use your spare time profitably.

(11)Thou shall take your spouse into consideration in any financial decisions you want to make. This can save you from unnecessary heartaches and headaches.

(12)Thou shall act on all the steps above if you want to achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

They look very simple but that is where your true financial freedom and salvation lies.

I lay emphasis on all 12 steps but more on steps 3 and 10 above, as it is most demanding and practical for your financial freedom indeed.

There are millions of businesses to invest in, but the very ones I recommend, you can start with little or no capital. I call it the Internet Marketing Business Investments.

There are fortunes on the internet and you too can become a PART of it; if you WILL, you CAN.

See you at the top.



(Ceo - Netright International)(www.netrightinfo.netfirms.com)

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About the Author

Achoenweli Opute is an internet marketer and has helped many people to make it on the internet as he has sold many thousands of products online.
He is the Ceo Netright International