5 Good Reasons To Consider Mortgage Refinancing

Mortgage refinancing may be a great opportunity to restructure your finances and raise much needed money for home improvements or a large family expense such as a wedding. The mortgage refinancing market is a very competitive market at the moment. People no longer keep a mortgage until it has been fully paid off. Here we take a look at the various reasons for mortgage refinancing and the options on the market available to you today. So what are some of the reasons for thinking about mortgage refinancing?

To 'fix' a lower interest rate.

As you know, interest rates are at an all time low at the moment. However, a few mortgage experts are predicting that rates will begin to rise in the coming months and years. This obviously means more expensive mortgage repayments. By remortgaging your variable rate mortgage to a fixed rate mortgage refinancing you can protect your repayments against any rises in the interest rate for several years to come.

To find a mortgage better deal.

Is your current mortgage rate the best one available ? The market is very competitive these days because so few people are considering mortgage refinancing compared with past years. Mortgage refinancing providers and lenders are very keen to attract new customers by offering special offers to those who mortgage refinancing with them. As well as a lower interest rate and therefore lower monthly repayments, remortgaging could offer special deals such as no repayments for three months, money saving vouchers, cash back offers , free days out, leisure deals and other 'freebies' depending on the provider you choose.

To consolidate debt.

Today, we as a nation and indeed worldwide are in debt to a level never seen before. Even Governments are not immune! Easy access to relatively cheap credit providing the temptation to 'live now and pay later' has fueled this trend. However the money must be repaid eventually. Credit cards are a very expensive way of 'long term' borrowing. Taking out a mortgage refinancing which is big enough to cover your mortgage and your other loans and credit cards will help your finances. This usually leaves you with a smaller single monthly repayment to make which is ideal. This is the aim!

To change your mortgage type

What might have been an ideal mortgage a few years ago when you initially took out the mortgage might not be the most suitable for your current circumstances. You may wish to change from an interest-only mortgage to a capital repayment one. You might want to take advantage of some of the more recent features of mortgages such as flexible payments or offsetting. Mortgage refinancing can give you the chance to choose a package which suits you current needs.

To Release Equity

As house prices have increased over the past two decades or so, some people find they have a large amount of equity in their home - the difference between how much their house is worth and what the current outstanding mortgage balance is. Taking out a mortgage refinancing will pay off your current mortgage and also give you some extra money. This is an effective way of unlocking some stored capital, providing you with cash for home improvements, a holiday, wedding, or any large expense. It is very often cheaper to raise the money with mortgage refinancing than, for example, by taking out a loan.

In Summary

Mortgage refinancing may seem like the perfect way forward for releasing money and restructuring your finances. It is essential to seek the advice of a properly qualified mortgage advisor if you are unsure and arm yourself with all the information you need to make the right decision for you. It is very important to remember that the decision to mortgage refinancing is to be taken seriously. You could be putting your home at risk if you make the wrong decisions now. There are many mortgage refinancing advisiors and mortgage refinancing companies available so do your homework and shop around. The ball is in the customer's court at the moment so make the most of it.