A Bit About Blogging

© 2004, John Calder

If you've been on the Internet for even a minimum amount of time over the last couple of years, you've probably seen or at least heard about blogs. The term blog is a contraction of "web log", and as the name implies, a blog is really just an online journal or notebook. Now that sounds like a place to write "Dear Diary" entries that are open to the world, but smart marketers can use a blog for a lot more than that.

In today's world of email spam filters, and questionable email delivery and open rates, a blog can help you reach your customers, prospects, and target audience regularly. If your blog offers value to them, they will want to read it, and will anxiously look forward to your next post. If you open your blog for comments, that could help create a sense of loyalty, belonging, and community that may ultimately lead to more sales for you. Through RSS technology, your readers can add your blog to their newsreader software, and be alerted immediately when you make new posts.

To get started, you will need blogging software. You can find many excellent packages, both free and paid, that you install on your own site. You can also find free and paid hosted blogging services. As with any software, you need to compare features to pick the blog software best suited for your needs.

More important than which software you use, is to make sure you use it. You've heard that the first and most important secret to internet marketing success is to do something. That's true with a blog too. You need to regularly and thoughtfully post material your target audience will want to read. Whatever you do, post. Write about what's on your mind, your views, your thoughts. Give to your readers, and they'll give back to you.

Begin your search for the perfect "blog" tools for yourself over at HotScripts.com

About the Author

John Calder is the owner/editor of The Ezine Dot Net.
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