All Roads Lead To Rome

All Roads Lead to Rome
by John Colanzi

In the ancient world, long before telephones, computers and other modern methods of doing business, Rome was a hub of commerce.

The merchants of the day had a saying, "All roads lead to Rome."

Luckily with our modern tools and equipment we no longer have such limitations.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The ancient Appian Way, has been replaced by the "Information Super Highway."

Just as the ancient merchants and traders had a hub of commerce, you should have a central hub for directing your traffic.

It took me a long time to figure that out and it's taken me even longer to implement that strategy.

If you're serious about your success, all roads on the "Information Super Highway," should lead to your list.

It's no secret that the marketers making the biggest profits, have the biggest targeted lists.

Please take note; I didn't say a big list, I said a big targeted list.

When you sit down to map out your marketing strategy, your goal is to identify your target audience and put 90% of your efforts into building your list.

Every page on your website should have a link to your list.

Every ebook you give away should have a link to your list.

Every email course you offer should have a link to your list.

Every article you write should have a link to your list.

All roads no longer lead to Rome, they should lead to your list.

Build your targeted list and your success is guaranteed.

Wishing You Success,
John Colanzi
Street Smart Marketing

About the Author

Copyright (c) 2000 - 2002 John Colanzi.
John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter.
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