Are You Missing Out On Valuable Information

Are You Missing Out On Valuable Information?
Copyright 2002 Jason Anderson

"Buy now and get $323 of bonuses, free!" "This package is worth $629, but you can have it for only $10!" "Get thousands of dollars of extras when you buy!"

You've probably seen them all before in the sales letters for ebooks you have bought (or not bought). The extra bonuses listed at the end of the sales letter to entice you to purchase the ebook in question.

But once you've bought the ebook, have you actually bothered to look at the included bonuses?

I'd wager that there are at least a few bonus ebooks that you haven't looked at, either because you "never got around to it", or they didn't sound like they were interesting.

Or perhaps you didn't look at them because they were included for free, so you thought they must be junk.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Well, ok, I'll admit that some of the free ebooks included as bonuses are junk. The information is outdated, or they read like they were written by a 6 year old. But they are the exception, not the rule. You shouldn't think all bonus ebooks are bad simply because a couple of them are bad.

Quite often, the bonus ebooks that are included have been sold separately in the past. Usually the ebooks came with free resell rights, so after a while they became so common place on the net that it was almost impossible to sell them separately.

"Million Dollar Emails" and "Autoresponder Magic" are two examples that spring to mind.

But that doesn't mean the information in them is any less useful. The information hasn't changed - just the availability of the ebook. And to be honest, sometimes the bonuses that you get contain better information than the actual ebook you are buying!

I recently bought an ebook that was like that.

The ebook in question was on ezine advertising. A very important topic, and something that I wanted to learn more about. However, after reading the ebook I was very disappointed. The information in it was very so-so - nothing that I hadn't read before in ezine articles. I was ready to ask for my money back.

Luckily for me, I decided to look at the included bonuses before I did. Wow, was I glad I did! The bonuses more than made up for the ebook, and I went from being disappointed to ecstatic after reading them.

So take some time to look at all the ebooks you have bought in the last couple of months, and see if they came with bonus ebooks that you haven't looked at. You may be very surprised at what you find when you read them!

About the Author

Jason is the editor of Achieve Net Profits, where he interviews successful Internet marketers each week. Save yourself time and money by learning marketing directly from the pros! >