Are You Ready For A New Career

Is your current or most recent job truly what you want to do?

Do you dread the prospect of coming into work every day? Do you look back on your work day as you travel home and cannot seem to find a fulfilling moment? If you answered yes, read on.

You could be unhappy with your supervisor; you may not like the politics or corporate culture; or you may not like the industry you are in. You may also feel that you are underpaid, underutilized, undervalued or unappreciated. You may not have sufficient opportunities for career advancement; or perhaps you are feeling overworked. These are all common experiences among employees.

What are your choices?

If you love what you do, if you get motivated and excited in a particular field of interest, if you can put your arms around a career with enthusiasm and gusto, then you have found your passion and you will experience fulfillment and joy daily.

You will look forward to work each day. On your drive home, you will find yourself looking back on your day and smiling.

Give yourself the opportunity to create something better for yourself. Explore your options fully. There is no need to settle or go through a process of elimination to end up with only one career choice. Why limit yourself?

A good place to start could be in the areas you have delved in the past. If you engaged briefly in a particular project that you thoroughly enjoyed, then you have a skill and experience that can be leveraged into an entirely new career.

You can also avail yourself of the many career assessment programs and free personality tests found on the Internet. One such assessment tool is MAPP. It’s free and takes about fifteen minutes to complete. The results are quite revealing. Their website is

Many people have gone through career transitions. These are successful people, happy with their new careers, and enjoying and loving what they are doing. They made a choice to become a career builder and make a better life for themselves. So can you.

Give yourself the gift of a career you can get enthusiastic about which utilizes your special talents and unique gifts. Follow your passion; you will thank yourself over and over again.

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About the Author

David Richter is a recognized authority on career coaching. His extensive knowledge and experience gained from many years in recruitment, outplacement and career management has allowed David to formulate powerful strategies anyone can use to secure interviews and receive offers. David holds Masters in both Engineering and Counseling Psychology. Visit David's site for free tips, strategies and other career resources