Are Your Clients Buying What You're Selling

Linda felt like she had reached a plateau in her cleaning
business. For the past 3 years, she'd run the same ads in the
same publications with the same results. She would generate
enough new clients to make up for the ones she lost due to
normal attrition, but she was never quite able to get beyond
her mediocre success.

"I feel a little stuck," she shared in our last call. "Every time I try
running another ad or sending another mailer, I only generate
enough new work to make up for the additional cost I've
expended. I can't hire an additional employee until I get more
work, but I can't seem to get more work. I really want to make
more income for myself and my family and think I could do it if
I could just get some of these new marketing strategies to work

My next question threw her "What are you selling?" "What do
you mean? I'm selling cleaning services," she responded. "No,
what are you REALLY selling? Or look at it this way, what are
your clients buying?"

It took a couple more rounds before she understood what I
meant. Many service business owners run out to the marketplace
without a clear understanding of what they are selling or what
their clients are buying. After awhile, they start getting clients by
the shear fact that they've approached enough people to
generate some interest. The problem comes once they've
reached a plateau and can't seem to grow beyond it.

It's like golf. Anyone can learn to hit the ball and, if given enough
strokes, get it in the hole. They can even become pretty good...
but only sometimes. The rest of the time, they are hooking or
slicing uncontrollably. They never play a consistent game. The
key to success in golf is technique. If you do the right things
consistently, you’ll play a good game every time (well, almost!).

In business, it’s the same thing – you need to do the right things
consistently. Almost anyone can learn how to make a sale. It
might not be in record speed or at a profit, but they can make
the sale. The key is in being able to generate sales consistently
up to and beyond your plateau.

Linda thought she was selling cleaning services, but upon closer
investigation over the next couple of weeks, she learned that her
clients were buying something a lot different. Based on surveys
she conducted with her current clients, she learned that they
hired her because they were buying:

more time to spend with their spouse & children

a clean house (not actual the actual "cleaning" service)

time for themselves & their personal interests

stress relief for taking one thing off of their plate

marital bliss (no more fighting over household responsibilities)

This was a light bulb moment for her. She realized that her ads
and mailers were selling a "cleaning service" when in actuality
her prospects and clients wanted to buy a solution to their
problems – not enough time, fights with their spouse, harried
lifestyle. If she could provide the solution to just one of those
pains, she would be serving her clients well.

Then quicko, chango, switcheroo – she re-focused her marketing
efforts to focus on solving her prospects’ problems and began
targeting overworked professionals and families with children.
These simple changes helped her finally grow beyond the plateau
where her business had stalled.

So, ask yourself are your clients buying what you’re selling? What
are you currently selling? If you contacted your clients this week, what
would they say they are buying from you? Are you sure? Why not jot
down a few questions that you can ask your clients during short, phone
surveys this week?

Don't have enough clients to do this yet? Perhaps you can work it
into your conversations with prospects? Ask them why your service
does or does not sound like something that will benefit them. Yes, I
know this is hard, but the answers are your ticket to faster success.

Afraid to do this? Then it's even more important! Trying to sell the
wrong thing to the wrong people is just extending your learning curve
and the length of your journey to sustainable success. So go for it!

To learn more about making more sales, download “10 Ways
To Lose Great Sales Opportunities" at:

About the Author

Kimberly Stevens is a Business Life Coach who supports business owners and entrepreneurs in their pursuit of a fulfilling life and profitable business by offering individual and group coaching, ebooks, teleclasses, and live workshops. To learn more about creating a richly rewarding life as a business owner, visit or send a blank email to: for an automatic reply.