Asphalt Paving Driveway Maintenance Tips

Asphalt paving or Hot Mix Asphalt is typically what one thinks of when installing driveways of new homes. It is by far one of the least expensive methods for paving a surface in new home construction sites. Properly installed asphalt paved driveways have a life expectancy of about thirty or more years. These asphalt paved driveways consist of rock particles, sand, and asphalt cement, which make it flexible and durable at the same time. New asphalt is by far the most flexible because it still retains many of the lighter hydrocarbon oils that make up its DNA structure. Crushed gravel makes up the foundation on which the asphalt is laid, to promote stability of the asphalt structure. By laying five to eight inches of gravel beneath the asphalt you are ensuring a greater life expectancy for your asphalt driveway. Also by having your asphalt paving company install your asphalt finish at least one foot before the asphalt covers the gravel, you are allowing your asphalt driveway to not crack when visitors drive to the edge of the finished surface. This will give greater flexibility and allow your asphalt driveway to look as nice as it can for as long as possible. The next step is to seal your asphalt driveway after about six to nine months. The new asphalt driveway must cure out over that time frame. If sealed to quickly, the hydrocarbon oils that give the asphalt paving its flexibility will cause it to be too flexible, thus, allowing greater marks to exist over time. When it is time to seal your asphalt paved driveway, remember to put at least two coats of high quality seal coat over the entire driveway. This is to be repeated every three to five years for the maximum life expectancy of your asphalt paved driveway. By being patient and following this advice, your asphalt paved driveway will be around for many years to come. Take good care of it and it will definitely add character to your home. Asphalt paving or Hot Mix Asphalt is and will always be the best alternative for those seeking to pave surfaces in a flexible manner. To find other great tips about asphalt paving visit

About the Author

Brett Lane is the Webmaster and SEO professional for Manhatten Paving Company, located in Los Angeles, California.