Break Out Of The Comfort Zone

Break Out Of the Comfort Zone

How many times have you checked your e-mail lately?

How many times have you rearranged your desk?

Perhaps you've decided to make a few phone calls to friends
you haven't talked to in a while?

Everyone has something called "The Comfort Zone." It's only
human for us to do whatever we can to stay in The Comfort
Zone. Whether that is cleaning up your office, checking your
e-mail or an innumerable number of other things, The Comfort
Zone will hold you back from achieving your true potential.

Look at it another way - every moment you spend doing those
things that you're comfortable with could be another moment
you spend honing the skills that will drive you to success.

So how do you identify The Comfort Zone? Easy - what task do
you fear the most about your home based business? Now, ask
yourself this question, "What do you do when you don't want
to do this task?"

Write down the top three things you're likely to do instead
of what you should be doing.

Now comes the hard part Breaking Out of The Comfort Zone.

Set aside some time in the day when you will only work on
tasks that are out of your Comfort Zone. Schedule it make
it a reality. When you're working on these tasks, do not
work on anything else. Start with a short amount of time
say, five minutes and then slowly increase it until
you're doing an hour or more.

You'll find that the more you work on tasks outside of your
Comfort Zone, the more comfortable you will become with

Before you know it you'll break out of the Comfort Zone and
you'll be amazed at the fruit it will provide in your life!

About the Author

Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy is a published author, speaker and
owner of Work At Home Based Business Opportunities