Can you create a company or department to fulfill your purpose

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I take part in a forum, a sort of Master Mind group of
business people in several countries. In a recent
teleconference, a well-known business consultant said,
"Small businesses fall apart when it comes to strategy."

This led to a discussion of the difference between strategy
and tactics.

I then offered my views on the difference and how that
difference is implemented in my company. Some people said
that strategy and tactics are the same. Others said, "It's
all semantics and who cares anyway!"

Well, semantics is the relationship between words (or
symbols) and their intended meanings. In my company,
"tactics" and "strategy" have different but specific

Anyway, concurrent with all that, I was reviewing and
updating my own purpose and goals. I noticed that during
my brainstorming, I was not concerned with either strategy
or tactics. I was simply brainstorming my purpose. From my
Purpose, I created Goals. That was about it.

But sooner or later, I know that I must create some

plans (strategies) to achieve my Purpose and Goals.

And I must take some steps (tactics) to make my

strategies happen. So, I drew a diagram showing

concentric circles, labeled Purpose, Goals, Strategies,

and Tactics. See Diagram at:

OK. Suppose I wanted to organize a company to fulfill that
Purpose and those Goals? Here's an example of how I would
arrange the company's Org Chart from the top down. (Not all
possible boxes are shown.) See Diagram at:

N0w, here's where the fun begins because there is a
phenomenon called inheritance (in my organization), where
each subordinate inherits one of their manager's Tactical
Objectives as his or her Strategic Objective.

In a moment, I will give you a link so you can study how
we do that. Meanwhile...

Focus on your Contribution and accelerate achievement of
your Purpose.

Let me return to the statement, "Small businesses fall apart
when it comes to strategy." I would not limit this
phenomenon to small businesses. I have seen huge companies
where employees don't know the company's purpose, goals, or

I suppose one could say that employees need only do

their jobs. Besides, most people (me included) tend to

focus downward and get caught up with struggle and

effort (tactics).

However, when we l'ose sight of our purpose, goals, or
strategies, we render ourselves at least partially
ineffective in achieving them. Still, we must make sure
that tactics are executed.

What would happen if everyone asked, "How can I

contribute to the larg'er Purpose?"

We would turn our attention away from our own specialties,
skills, and tactics - and advance perfor'mance of the whole

Awareness of our contribution turns our attention to

the Purpose, where results really count.

So, to be the most effective we should focus on outward
contributions while performing nitty-gritty tactics.
Effective people get the right things done for the right


"It is one of the most beautiful compensations

of this life that no man can sincerely try to

help another without helping himself."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


What did you learn today that you found most beneficial?
How will you apply what you have learned at work?
Any other comments are welcome:

OK, here's the link I promised a minute ago:

Until next week...

Best Regards,

Mike Hayden, Principal/Consultant
Your partner in streamlining business.

PS. If you're not on our P V T Roster, sign up (fr#e) at:

(c) 2005 Mike Hayden, All rights reserved. You may use
material from the Profitable Venture Tactics eZine in
whole or in part, as long as you include complete
attribution, including live website links and email link.

About the Author

Mike Hayden is Founder/CEO of Senior Management Services and the Documentation Express in Silicon Valley, California. Mr Hayden is the author of "7 Easy Steps to your Raise and Promotion in 30-60 Days! The book that smart bosses want their employees to read."
ISBN 0-9723725-1-2. More articles at