Career Change.

Coping with change is now an everyday occurance. What's more the pace of change is accelerating and the need for us all to adjust is greater than ever. Yet, this is a time of opportunity.

Career change - Ignore it at your peril or seize the opportunity

All around we constantly see the changes which are affecting us. Economically power is shifting and the consequences are massive.

China and India are emerging nations using modern technology to massive effect as their economies grow at rates previously unheard of. It is predicted that China will be the 4th largest world economy by 2006, overtaking the UK and by 2020 it will be challenging the world's largest economy, the US.

Although these changes will be seen by most as threatening they are really opportunity in disguise. Traditional and new processes are being executed with increasing effect world wide but the net result is that as this happens new situations arise which we as individuals can tap into.

The shifts in the world economy are affecting the large corporations and people employed by the corporates. This does not mean that within any community the need for goods and services diminishes. In fact as more people benefit financially from global changes demand grows and that demand has to be satisfied.

The key to succeeding in the new world order is to be prepared to change. Jobs for life no longer exist, particularly in the corporate world and people who suffer are those that cannot adjust.

What's more, world wide pensions are under pressure so that means we all have to look out for ourselves in later life. This is not a threat it is a challenge if you are prepared.

Facing the challenges can mean there is a need for career change. Each time I changed direction when employed in the corporate world I faced new challenges. Perhaps I should have been more wary but I got to enjoy the challenge and changes.

Working from shop floor apprentice to CEO/Chairman in a variety of businesses and learning new skills in executive positions on the way bred ambition rather than fear of career change.

As I was always ready for the next challenge/ change I probably became un-employable so it was natural for me found my consultancy business in 1990.

The mind set which allows people to adjust to change is vital because one thing is now certain more and more will be forced to change career, so better to be prepared and instigate it, rather than be forced into it.

There was a recent press article about house moves in one of our national papers which illustrates the point well.

The article related how when a young family moved to a slightly larger house they needed new bookshelves. Appalled by the price the husband decided he would make his own.

He was a corporately employed IT expert. He is now a maker of fine furniture because as he explored the woods to use and started creating designs he became an enthusiast. His enthusiasm grew when he bought his second hand tools and talked with established craftsmen.

As he explored the different woods he started to specialise in the design and production of contemporary chairs from Oak or American Black Walnut which can sell for upto $7,000 a time.

This is real life example of career change and a business example of motivation, business creation and niche marketing around a newly acquired skill. These are the qualities that will be needed as the world economy continues to develop. So it really is about opportunity not threat.


Bring enthusiasm and optimism to your life and use your many skills and talents to your business benefit, anticipate change, welcome it.

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About the Author

Michael Harrison is an author, publisher and business consultant specialising in helping business owners and individuals to realise and release the full potential of their situation. He has helped many people to improve their businesses and advised and supported individuals embarking on new directions in their careers.