Business in today's economy is about more than just technology, venture
capitol and IPOs. It's also about CHARACTER.

+ How big are your dreams?

+ How deep is your commitment?

+ Are you really prepared to fail?

+ How hard are you willing to work?

The profiles that follow are character studies of what it takes to
make your impact in a world that's being reshaped by the power of
new ideas. Ask yourself. DO I PASS THE TEST.

YOUR FIRST CHARACTER TEST Ask yourself this question.
Do you have what it takes to peruse a goal of any real magnitude?

Big enough to excite everyone you encounter? Think your idea over
until you can state the purpose in one simple sentence. That's how
you become a magnet to circumstances and individuals to accelerate
your journey to your goal.

YOUR SECOND CHARACTER TEST Ask yourself this question: Do I have
the courage to develop a specific plan of action? Am I willing to
pay an enormous amount of attention to the creation of a plan that
will gear every otherwise random events in my life into a systematic
pattern that will support my primary goal? - A plan that will create
a controlled distribution of daily tasks and stick to my plan.

YOUR THIRD CHARACTER TEST Ask yourself this question: Do I have
the kind of belief in my vision that demands a leap forward, without
fear and without fail. J.P. Morgan is reported to have said, " Millionaires
work hard, but billionaires become successful because they are willing
to take a leap of faith.

YOUR FOURTH CHARACTER TEST. Ask yourself this question:
What is the purpose of my conversations? And am I willing to develop
specific language and purposeful conversation directed to a predetermined
outcome that fully supports my ambitions? It won't be easy. It will
take discipline and CHARACTER.

Oscar Bruce in his book Winning Words Winning ways tells us that "Your
conversation tells the world who you are. Each conversation is stamped
with the brand of class that reveals your class and your CHARACTER."

Futurist, Rolf Jensen, director of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures
Studies. "We are in the twilight of a society based on personal communication
skills. Society will place new value on the language of persuasion."

In a study which polled top executives in fifty-eight of America's
largest companies, every single executive named communications skills
as the major factor in their advancement.

Most of the action in which people engage - in business, in marriage
- in parenting - are carried out through conversation. But many people
speak without intent. They simply say whatever comes to mind. They
give little or no thought about the content, purpose or objective.
They speak out of habit, not purpose.

Therefore the real test of character for you will be this question:
Are you willing to upgrade your conversation skills to a level that
will support your goals and ambitions? If the answer is yes the following
questions will help.

+Do I approach every conversation as a selling opportunity?

+Are my conversations goal achieving or tension relieving?

+Are my conversations directed to a pre-determined outcome?

+Do I express myself with precision and accuracy?

+Do I leave people wondering about my intent.

+Does my language create chaos or clarity?

+Are my conversations interesting, colorful and distinctive?


When in the past you found yourself in situations outside your control
it's because you ran out of conversation before you made your point
or won the argument. You verbal ammunition fell short. Or when someone
spouts insults at you it's only a matter of just the right phrase
to come out on top without creating an upset or making you look bad.

It is now, always been and will be in the future a matter of knowing
just what to say and how to say it to be the victor and get your way
with people.


About the Author

Oscar Bruce helps people upgrade their conversation skills.
His books are considered the filed-manuals for getting
through life unscathed and undefeated. He freely shares
many useful techniques at
Mr. Bruce can be contacted at
PO Box 725, Burnet,TX 78611
Telephone 512-715-0157