Customer Service Is Still The Key To SUCCESS!

Pick any industry. Who is at the top? How did they get there?
I can guarantee the answer to that question is two words:
"customer service."

Sure, cost is important, variety is important, all those things
are important. But when you're new to a business, good customer
service will be the difference between success and failure.
Every new venture has a problem or two, and without the support
of the "home office" you will be out of business very fast.

So, you've decided to venture into network marketing,
choose your company carefully. Be sure they'll consider
you a "customer" not just a way to make a few bucks.

As the business starts, you'll have specific needs.
As the business grows, your needs will change. True
customer service means the company cares about your
needs, anticipates them, asks you about them, and
helps you find the solutions to your needs.

Ask yourself key questions:

1. How long have they been in business? Who are the leaders?
What is their experience? When do you get to meet them?

2. What products or services do they offer? How many?
(A wide selection is a good thing, but those who try to
sell everything often don't sell anything.) Are the products
related? Can you sell packages? Are their prices competitive?
Can you get this stuff at the corner grocery store?

3. Who is your direct superior-sponsor-recruiter? Do you know
this person? Is he/she qualified? Will they be a mentor to you
through the early stages of getting into the swing of things?
Is this sponsor just interested in building a downline or is
he/she interested in providing the goods and services that make
a real business?

Hundreds of companies are putting their network marketing
programs on the world wide web. The best of those programs are
called "turnkey" operations. That means as soon as you sign up,
they have everything you need ready and waiting in a package for
you-like one-stop shopping at the supermarket. Your affiliate
package might contain banner ads; classified ads; your own
website; a library of articles, training materials, sales
letters, and other fun stuff.

Some even provide postcards, business cards, sample flyers, and
other non-web based marketing materials. Some companies have a
basic package and one or more expanded packages, meaning you can
buy what you need to get started, then add additional resources
as you feel you need them.

And, of course, there are the new guys on the block.
If you really want to start out at the top, take a look
at the possibility of joining a new program.

There's added risk, but the potential rewards are much higher.
You can lessen that risk by finding an established company
that's moving into a new market - new products or new areas
of the world. Whatever you choose, be sure that it's
someone who thinks your success equals their success.

About the Author

Boyd Goodfellow specializes in great business ideas that
will make you money now! See his site for information on
a ground breaking system that could change the way you
earn! Click now to