Develop Fast, Accurate Typing Skills with TypingMaster Pro

Fast, accurate typing skills have never been more valuable, for all kinds of professional, educational and personal purposes. With email and the internet becoming such an important medium of communication, people with poor typing skills are likely to be left behind. And in today’s fast paced business environment, typing speed and accuracy are becoming increasingly valuable assets across a wide range of professions.

Using a software typing tutor is a convenient, effective, inexpensive way to develop typing skills, whether to learn to type to a professional standard, or just to improve speed and accuracy to make typing easier and less time consuming. There are literally hundreds of typing tutors on the market, so consumers may find it difficult to know which one to choose. More information may be found at

There is a lot more to learning to type than just memorizing the keys, then practicing repetitively until the skill becomes automatic. The Typing Master Pro software package uses a sophisticated learning method, incorporating a range of keyboard skill practice techniques, ergonomic awareness to decrease muscle stress and encourage efficient finger movements, and an effective review and assessment system.

The TypingMaster Pro includes a range of different exercises, drills and games to make practicing typing skills fun and effective. The review system keeps track of individual problem areas, and formulates a tailored exercise plan to correct them. Users can take a professional test to assess their typing speed, and monitor their progress using graphically displayed performance statistics.

TypingMaster Pro is available for all Windows versions from 95 up to XP, and there are Macintosh and Linux versions also. The package is available in a wide range of languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish and Finnish. A free demo version is available for download from the official website, at

Author: Sufi Fanning

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