Don't Get Caught With Your Profits Down!

It's the busy season - the time of year when your customers
shop 'til they drop. As a business owner you're probably
happily enjoying the extra sales the holiday season brings.
Cha-ching! Cha-ching!


Uh-oh. "" just did a reverse
cha-ching... in your account! They charged you back because
a customer requested a refund.

It hurts having to give a refund, but it happens to all of
us occasionally. And as honest business owners, we want to
make our customers happy by offering a money-back guarantee
if they're not satisfied.

But did you know that customers who claim they never made
a purchase will, almost without a doubt, get a refund, no
questions asked?

And are you aware that many purchases, especially at this
time of year, are made with stolen credit cards?

It's sad but true. As the holiday rush comes upon us, and
even into January, the possibility for scams and fraud is
much greater than at any other time of the year. Internet
business owners are especially at risk for fraudulent
refund requests.

Unlike brick and mortar stores, we don't have a paper
credit card slip with the signature of the person who made
the purchase. And unlike brick and mortar stores we can't
ask for an ID to be sure the person buying the product is
the credit card owner.

But there are methods you can apply to help you avoid
being scammed. There are also steps you can take to recoup
your money if you become a victim of fraud. If you know the
inner workings of credit card and major Internet payment
companies, as well as the secrets that scam artists use to
claim false refunds, you can protect yourself.

Don't get caught with your profits down this holiday
season. Learn what you need to know to keep your profits in
your pocket where they belong. More information is
available (for fr'ee) here:

About the Author

Denise Hall is the author of Get Inside the Minds of Scam
Artists! Discover the Tricks of Their Trade!, an e-book
written to help Internet business owners prevent and combat
customer fraud. Visit here for more information:

This article may be reprinted in its entirety with this
resource box included.