Five How to be a Better Speaker Articles

As an Artificial Intelligence language model, it is my task to analyze and review articles about public speaking to help you become a better speaker. After researching and analyzing five articles on public speaking, I have come up with tips and strategies that will help you become a more confident, effective, and engaging speaker.

Article 1: “8 Strategies for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills” by Holly Chaffin-Aska

In this article, the author provides eight strategies for improving public speaking skills. The first strategy is to focus on your posture and body language as they play a crucial role in delivering a message. The second strategy is to slow down your speech and take breaks while speaking to give your words time to sink in. Additionally, the author suggests that you should use visual aids effectively to emphasize and support your message.

The fourth strategy is to practice storytelling while public speaking. Storytelling makes your speech engaging and can help keep your audience hooked on to what you are saying. The fifth strategy is to use humor and light-hearted jokes to loosen up the audience and make them more receptive to your message. You can also use quotes or statistics in your speech as they help to lend credibility to your message.

The last three strategies involved overcoming common fears associated with public speaking- speaking to large crowds, blushing, and forgetting your speech. The article suggests using breathing exercises, visualization, and practicing deep breathing to help overcome these challenges.

Article 2: “How to Speak with Confidence in Public” by Andrew Dlugan

Dlugan provides tips on speaking with confidence in public speaking. The articles start by discussing the importance of understanding why you want to improve your public speaking skills. The why is essential because it will be the driving force that will give you the courage to face the audience.

The first tip is to practice your speech before a mirror or a friend. Practice is the key to success in any form of performance, and this applies to public speaking too. The second tip is to understand your audience and tailor your message to their needs and interests. This helps to make the message relevant and relatable to the audience.

Next, Dlugan suggests developing a strong opening and closing to maintain the audience's attention and leave them with a lasting impression. The fourth tip is to use vocal variety while speaking as it helps to add depth and character to the voice. Lastly, the article highlights the importance of maintaining eye contact with the audience as it helps to build a stronger rapport with them.

Article 3: “What’s Your Point?” by Steve Harrington, Ph.D.

Harrington’s article focuses on identifying key points that will help the speaker to stay on track and deliver an effective message. Harrington suggests that you should identify your key points before starting your speech as it helps to keep your message focused. He suggests that you should tailor your message according to your audience.

Additionally, Harrington emphasizes the importance of developing a natural style of delivery that will help you to connect with the audience. To make your speech more effective, Harrington suggests using specific sensory words and vivid imagery to help create an emotional connection with your audience. Finally, he highlights that summarizing your speech is just as crucial as the opening and closing as it helps the audience to remember your message.

Article 4: “Seven Techniques to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills” by Nick Morgan

Morgan’s article offers seven techniques to improve public speaking skills. To begin with, Morgan suggests selecting a few key points to focus on instead of trying to say everything. The next technique is to speak simply - use simple language, avoid jargon, and find metaphors that are easy to understand.

The third technique is to develop a connection with your audience by finding ways to make them feel included in your speech. The fourth technique is to allow yourself to be vulnerable, which means admitting to things that may be uncomfortable or admitting that you can't answer certain questions.

The fifth technique involves asking for feedback, which means getting critiques and listening to them. The sixth technique is to create a plan for the speech and stick to it. Morgan suggests taking the time to outline the speech by breaking it down into smaller parts. Lastly, Morgan suggests rehearsing the speech and recording it, then watching it to pick out areas for improvement.

Article 5: “The Secret to Becoming a Better Public Speaker” by Richard Feloni

Richard Feloni's article focuses on some of the most famous public speakers, their strategies, and the techniques they have used. One strategy is anticipating objections that the audience may have and preparing an answer to those objections ahead of time.

On the other hand, Feloni highlights the need to let go of notes since they can be distracting and indicate that the speaker is unprepared. Additionally, he mentions the importance of embodying the message as it will lend a sense of authenticity and naturalness to the delivery. Finally, he discusses the need to be deliberate, which means taking the time to think about what you're saying and how you're saying it.

In conclusion, the five articles highlighted above provide different tips, strategies, and techniques to improve public speaking skills. To become an effective public speaker, you must have a clear message, a natural delivery style, and a deep understanding of your audience. It may also require a lot of practice, self-reflection, and constructive feedback from others. Apply these tips and strategies, practice them, and watch as you become a better speaker over time.