Five Reasons People Fail to Realize Their Dreams

Five (5) Reasons People Fail to
Realize Their Dreams

By: Jason Mann

If you’re like me you work everyday to achieve something you desire.

Most people work because they want to solve a problem. Even working 9-5 is all about making money so you can have the things you want.

So why is it that people online fail to realize their dreams and end up quitting?

After talking with many business owners who had decided to shut their doors I discovered they all had five things in common.

The five things were:

#1: Feeling overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed is not hard to do. Everyday we are bombarded with new strategies and ideas and hundreds of “breakthrough” products and services.

So how do you over come this suffocation.

You focus on the steps you need to take to reach your goals and the decisions that
will help you obtain results.

If you know that you want to earn more money then you must decide on a path and stick with it until one of two things happens. (A) You achieve your goal or (B) you prove the path you chose is not working.

Either way, sticking to your intended path is the only way to achieve any results.

#2: Following the wrong advice

When I wanted to learn how to write advertising for my business, I sought out people who were getting paid $10,000-$50,000 to write on advertisement.

Highly successful advertising writers who had the knowledge I wanted. I surrounded myself with them. I started corresponding with them and picked their brains for what information they would offer up.

In short, seek out the people that are where you want to be and surround yourself with them. You will soon find yourself raising your level to theirs.

#3: Thinking about Money

After speaking with dozens of highly successful people I have found they view their business quite different from the rest of the world.

You see, they believe in setting themselves apart from the rest of the crowd and doing something others don’t do very often. In fact, on the web it is becoming even rarer with each new business that starts up.

They think about YOU. You really matter to them. Ever buy something because you liked the way the people made you feel? If you think about it, you have bought a lot of things because of that.

You felt safe and comfortable so you pulled out your money and bought something from them.

When you consume yourself with earning money it’s easy to get let down quickly when your business fails to live up to your expectations.

I’m guilty of this myself. Most business owners are. We strive to make a living and yet, we sabotage our efforts by focusing on the wrong thing, money.

Yes, we are in business to make money. However, my point is, focusing on money is the wrong thing to focus on. After all, without happy customers, you will not make a single penny. Think about it.

#4: Lacking Patience

Patience on the web is critical because it takes time to set the foundations of your business.

Taking the time to properly set up your business is the difference between retiring early or having to take on a second job to pay off all the debt you built up.

Out of all the reasons people fail to realize success with E-commerce this one is a biggie.

Take the time to learn and implement the steps you need to be successful. Don’t rush; don’t focus on getting it done NOW.

Focus on getting it done RIGHT.
You will save yourself a lot of pain.

#5: Giving up

Yesterday I received a phone call from a good friend of mine. She is trying to build a web site and is having issues with getting “stuck” a lot. She goes on to tell me how she’s starting to get fed up and that she is considering giving up.

My advice to her (and to you): DON’T.

Doug Hall, author of Jump Start Your Business Brain, is one of the most successful marketers in the world, when asked about success he said…

"Fame and fortune come to unreasonable people who continue onward, long past when reasonable people would give up."

If you find yourself in the position my friend did. Take a moment to really think about why you are stuck. You might find you are simply over working yourself.

Take a break and come back to it in a day or two.

Maybe you are feeling bad because you have put so much hard work into your business and you’re not getting the results you expected. Remember, patience.

In the end, the only way you can truly fail is to quit. Anything else is only a minor set back. Keep your eye on the ball and move forward with your dreams. You will realize them.

About the Author

Jason Mann is a profitability consultant who works with small web businesses to increase their overall profit through niche marketing. Visit his web site at: for more helpful information about web marketing.