Following The Inspired Idiot's Path To Marketing Glory!

I can't remember a day since I first logged on to the Internet that I
haven't been approached by someone claiming they can make all
my dreams come true through Internet Marketing.

At first I said, yeah right, but the offers just kept coming and
coming and coming until finally I said...

"Honey, could you pass the milk?"

Well, I wasn't thinking out loud at the dinner table, I was keeping it
to myself. What I was thinking, however, was this.

If all those idiots sending me offers are claiming they can make
money on the Internet, then there has to be at least a few people
that actually have made money inspiring them, right?

So I looked, and there was!

Yes, upon looking I did actually find proof of real, live, people
making money selling products and information over the Internet.

Cool, I thought. If they can do it, then I can, too!

Upon realizing this, I then made the STUPID mistake of following
the direction of the inspired idiots instead of the real marketers that
were actually making money.

Why, you say?


The inspired idiot's stuff was free and the real marketer's stuff cost
money. (That right there ought to have taught me something!)

So, with zest, zip, vim, and vigor, off I went raving about like a true
inspired idiot!

And guess what?! All of the other inspired idiot's promises came

I made a six figure income! ($0000.00 has six figures, you know)

I fired my boss! (and my paycheck!)

I was working from home! (heck, I did everything from home. I
couldn't afford to leave the house.)

I was my own boss! (my wife quit speaking to me)

I had a residual income! (what better word for the change scraped
out of the depths of the furniture than 'residual')

I was an Internet Marketer on the inspired idiot's path to glory and
nothing could stop my drive towards success! (until the bank
repossessed my pick-up that is)

Then, suddenly, with an even stronger thirst to succeed I said...

"Honey, could you pass the milk...? Never mind, there isn't any.
Honey? Honey? Darn, I could have sworn I was married."

But it mattered not because I had work to do! I had to spend
countless hours reading other inspired idiot's email. I had to send
my own email back for other inspired idiot's to read. Plus, I had to
blast ads to the free classified and free for all sites that no one, not
even me, ever visited.

Why? Because I was inspired!

And for no other reason whatsoever at all!


That fateful day arrived when suddenly it hit me.


"Here's your stinkin' milk. And you can thank the state for
the food stamps, too."

Hmmm. Could something be wrong here? Could something not
quite be going according to plan?

Wait, wait, I think I've got it.


But.. But.. I'm inspired! What more is there to do?!

"Ah-ha," I said.

I've got the inspiration, true, but why am I following around all
these other inspired idiots instead of the real marketers that are
actually making money!

I had bought into the excitement instead of the truth. I sought the
rewards before I created the system. I had joined the countless
masses instead of looking to the counting money that is few
that had inspired them!

Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh....

"Why are you smacking yourself on the head?" I was suddenly

"Go back to sleep, dear. It's just an Internet thing."

Well, ok, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but there is a point to
all of this. There are many, and I do mean many, who want to earn
a living selling information on how to market online.

That's great, but don't you think we should get our information, and
inspiration, from those that actually HAVE sold things online?

I really wasn't all that stupid when I first got online, it's just that
there is SO much out there to be confused about. That is, IF you
let yourself.

While the Internet is mind boggling because of the numbers it can
produce, common sense still abounds. Maybe not in it's inspired
idiots, but definitely in it's actual workings.

Things happen faster, but many of the basic rules are still the same.

People only pay for what they perceive to be beneficial.
Only those selling the beneficial products will make the money.
Trust and confidence still play an important role in buyer's minds.
If no one knows who you are, where you are, or what you selling,
you won't have any customers!

Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh....

Take it from a recovering inspired idiot. Please, be careful who
you learn from.

About the Author

A great one to learn from is Marlon Sanders. He REALLY has
"Sold 1000s of Products From Home Using the Net." Learn how