Free Information for New Business Owners

OK. So you're ready to start your own your own
boss...or are you? If you still have questions, below is a list of
places offering free information that can assist you. Consult phone
books and web sites for local information. Remember to ask about any
mailing lists, classes they offer, or additional contacts that would
be helpful for you to add to this list. Enjoy this list as a guide as
you "plant the seeds" for your new venture and enjoy the networking

1. Federal Agencies

~U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

o Web site

o Toll Free: (800)U-ASK-SBA.

o Request any free information and an order form for other

o Web site also has templates and sample Business Plans.

~Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

o Web site

o Toll Free: (800) 829 - 3676.

o Business Kit Publication # 454 includes an Employee Tax ID Form.

o STEP (Small Business Tax Education Program) Publication # 1057,
contains information on Business Tax Classes given in all 50 states,
Puerto Rico and Guam.

o Tell them what type of corporation you are thinking of becoming,
how many employees, etc., so that they can send you other free,
helpful publications.

~Census Department Consumer

o Web site

o Call Customer Service at (301) 457 - 4100.

o Your source for social, demographic and economic information.

~Consumer Information Center

o Web site:

o Toll free (888) 878 - 3256.

o Order a Consumer's Resource Handbook.

o View their Small Business brochures on line.

2. State Agencies
~Attorney General's Office US, National Organization site:
~Secretary of State and State Department of Revenue.
~Small Business Technology Development Center:
~Rural Business Development Center.
~Service Corps of Retired Executives SCORE,
~Cooperative Extension Service Offices.

3. County
~Business Development Offices.
~Small Business Incubators National site:
~Colleges for Small Business Centers, Continuing Education Classes,
Business Seminars, Meetings.

4. City/Town
~Chamber of Commerce (search using your city and county name).
~Professional Groups - check phone books, too.
~Develop a relationship with a Banker.
~Interview CPA's Use this "Tips for Hiring a CPA" as a guide.
~Locate a Lawyer and start to develop a relationship.
~Check local newspapers for organizations to join or volunteer to be
a speaker.

5. The Internet
~Search the WEB using a variety of search engines or directories such
as: ~~ ~~ ~~
~Use the WEB to search for former colleagues and others to let them
know about your business.,,,, are a few sites with phone and e-
mail directories.
~Join an e-mail list, newsgroup or business newsletters,,

6. Bookstores
~Bookstores give you a variety of great ideas.
~Search the web for bookstores., are just
two of many online bookstores.

7. Libraries
~Many libraries have at least one free computer for patrons to use.
~Ask the Librarians for information or advice.
~Tell them about your business. Remember, people ask them for advice,
~Check bulletin boards for information. They're a great place to put
your business card or brochure.

8. Friends
~If you do not tell the people you know you're looking for
information or referrals, then they'll never know.... ya know!!!

9. Family Members
~Let everyone in your family know you're starting a business... and
watch all the free advice come in!

10. Other Business Owners
~Contact other business owners that you know. Do I hear lunch anyone?
~Ask for advice, referrals, and their business cards.
~Start a referral book of local business owners.
~Don't forget to contact owners who do the same work as you, but who
work in a different state/region/county. After all, since they aren't
the competition , they maybe more willing share their secrets of
success with you!!
~For encouragement, to keep focused, to bounce ideas off of, etc.,
hire a coach!

About the Author

© Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved. Maria Marsala, Business & Life
Coach-Consultant. Maria works with individuals as they design, start
and grow their business or career around what they love to
do. Visit to subscribe to "Growing You and Your
Business" a free weekly online newsletter.