Get Googled And Build Credibility

Get Googled And Build Credibility

Copyright (c) 2003 by Angela Booth

Value your privacy? Get over it. The bad news is that thanks to
the Web, privacy no longer exists. Get Googled, and within a few
short seconds anyone who knows your name will be able to learn
quite a bit about you.

Try it. Go to Google ( ), and type in your
name. I just did a search query for "Angela Booth" and Google
returned a search of over 95, 000 pages. If you have a Web site,
post a message on Usenet, sell on eBay, or do much of anything
other than breathe, you're caught, like a butterfly in amber, in
the sticky World Wide Web courtesy of Google.

Bad as this may be for privacy, this is good news if you're
trying to build a business. It means that if you focus some of
your marketing and promotion time on getting your name out on the
Web, you're building your credibility.

Suddenly all those direct-mail letters that you've been sending
out carry a bit more weight. You're more than a slip of paper, a
stamp and an envelope. You're a Google-presence.

So how do you build credibility out of being Googled?

The fastest way is to write a couple of information-rich
articles, and post them on your Web site. Sure, this is a little
bit of work, but not much. You can write, can't you? Within a
month or so, your name will appear on Over time, your
name will also pop up on the Web's other search engines.

You don't have a Web site? You need one, and if you can type and
you've got an hour to spare you can get one. Many, many Web site
hosting companies offer site hosting for next-to-nothing a month.
These hosting companies are catering to non-technical people who
want a hassle-free site, so they make it as easy as they can by
offering site templates. All you do is pick a template, type in
your information (or copy and paste), and in less than an hour
you've got a pretty good site that works great as an online
portfolio and information resource for your clients.

Continue writing articles. Write one a month, and post them on
your Web site. You can also offer them to other Web sites to
publish. You do this by joining a few article announcement lists
and sending your articles to the lists. To find these lists, go
to Yahoo groups ( ) and search for
"article announce". Ezine publishers and Web sites owners will
pick up your articles. Suddenly, you're Google-cred goes up.

Note, that I said "information rich" articles. Some small
business owners write puff pieces about themselves and their
business, and guess how much credibility this builds? People
search for information online, so your articles must contain
useful information.

You won't suddenly get a dozen new clients directly from your
online articles. You get them indirectly. For example, when
someone I don't know sends me an e-mail message and I'm
interested in what they say, the first thing I do is Google them.
In five seconds, I know whether I want to pursue the relationship
or not.

If you're sending out direct mail letters introducing yourself
and your services, you can bet that those prospects who are
interested in what you have to offer will Google you. If you're
revealed as knowledgeable in your field, you're suddenly

So go ahead, use to your promotional advantage. It's a
powerful tool to build credibility for your business.

Resource box: if using, please include

Veteran multi-published author and copywriter Angela Booth crafts
words for your business words to sell, educate or persuade.
E-books and e-courses on Web site.
FREE ezines for writers and small biz:

About the Author

Australian author and journalist Angela Booth is the editor
and publisher of Creative Small Biz, a new free weekly ezine for
writers, designers, photographers, artists and other creatives.
Creative Small Biz helps creatives to transform their talents
into a flourishing business.