Give Your Ezine A Boost - Promote With power

Let me ask you a powerful question. "What is the purpose of
your ezine?" I mean, do you intend to sell advertising and
produce a line of income from it? Do you intend to use it to
drive traffic to your Web site? Is your primary goal to
provide an added value for those you do business with?

Now, let me ask you a second question. "How do you plan to
accomplish your goals?"

Regardless of the reason for your ezine, one thing is a given.
You must have subscribers in order to get the end result you're
seeking. And how do you gain subscribers? Promote, promote,

There are several things you can do that will increase your
ezine's circulation. Some provide immediate results and
others take longer but offer more lasting success. In any
event, be prepared to spend a great deal of time promoting.
Large circulations don't happen overnight unless you choose
to "buy" subscribers. Below are several ideas for
promoting your ezine with power in order to keep a steady
flow of new subscribers coming into the ranks.

Ad Recommendations

One promotional method that works wonderfully is to have
other publishers recommend your ezine to their subscribers.

Just find publishers that have newsletters which are similar
to yours but not identical. For example, a copywriter might
team up with a Web designer or a printing shop (both of whose
customers will need copy writing services). When a subscriber
registers for the Web designer's ezine, the welcome letter they
receive will state something like, "Another ezine you will find
beneficial is ABC Ezine from Copywriting Services, Inc. ABC
Ezine will help you create great copy for your site in order
to get the best results from it. You can subscribe by clicking

In return, you would include a "plug" for the Web designer's
ezine in your welcome letter.

You can also exchange ads with other publishers on a regular
basis to gain new subscribers.

Submit To Directories

Yes, you've heard this before but most only provide a small
sample of ezine directories to submit to. There are literally
hundreds that you can use and they are FREE. Here is an
extensive list of sites you can visit to list your publication.
But don't stop here. To be truly successful, you'll need to
take the time to research and submit to all that you can find.
Just visit your favorite search engine and type in "ezine
directory". emplate.html

Article Submissions

This is also an extremely important step. By submitting your
own, original articles to various article archive sites, you
are allowing them to be reprinted in thousands of other ezines.
Each article has a resource box or bio with it. If you place
the subscribe instructions for your ezine in your resource box,
you can generate a multitude of new subscribers over time.

This is a "semi-automatic" promotional tool as the archive
will normally allow your article to remain for up to one year.

Tracking Your Responses

Because successful ezine promotion takes so much time, you'll
want to track your responses to find out which methods are
bringing you the most subscribers. That way you can focus on
the areas that work while dropping the ones that don't perform

One way to track is by asking your new subscribers to let you
know how they found your ezine. Just provide an email link or
a Web page link where they can submit their answer. Another
way to track the response of ezine ads you place is to use the
URL for a "copy" of your subscribe page in the ad. By "copy",
I simply mean to copy and save the subscribe page of your site
with a new URL. Instead of, the
copy might be or /ezinesub.html.
Each time you place an ad for subscribers, use a new URL so
you can track the results with your hosting service.

When you take some time and develop a plan of action that
produces results, you'll soon find that all your hard works
pays off with your subscriber base growing at a tremendous rate!

Reynaldo Perales can offer you a way to totally automate your
ezine promotion. You can actually gain more subscribers and
spend less time on promotions with the help of this powerful
tool. Reach the goals you've set for your ezine NOW! Click
here for complete details

About the Author

Reynaldo Perales can offer you a way to totally automate your
ezine promotion. You can actually gain more subscribers and
spend less time on promotions with the help of this powerful
tool. Reach the goals you've set for your ezine NOW! Click
here for complete details